Pest(s) | | Materials | Rate per Acre | Comments |
5.2.6 10- to 12-INCH SHOOT GROWTH (new shoots are 10-12 inches long) |
Phomopsis cane and leaf spot | This can be an important spray on susceptible varieties, to protect against rachis infections and prevent the establishment of disease that can move from young berry stems into the fruit later in the season. It can be especially important in vineyards with previous Phomopsis problems, particularly in wet years. |
| | Captan 4L | 1.5-2.0 qt | |
| | or Captan 50WP | 3-4 lb | |
| | or Captan 80WDG | 1.75-2.5 lb | |
| or Captan Gold 4L | 1-2 qt | |
| or Captan Gold 80WDG | 1.25-2.5 lb | |
| OR | *NYDithane DF | 3-4 lb | |
| | or Dithane M45 | | |
| | or Manzate Pro-Stick 75DF | | |
| | or Penncozeb 75DF | | |
| OR | *NYDithane F-45 | 2.4-3.2 qt | |
| | or *NYManzate Max 4F | | |
| OR | Ziram 76DF | 3-4 lb | |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb | Label rates for *NYDexter Max are 1.6 to 4.25 lbs/A. The 3.2 and 4.25 lb/A rates of this product contain the same amount of azoxystrobin as 10 and about 13.1 fl oz of Abound flowable (the low and mid-range of Abound rates for grapes, respectively), and the same amount of mancozeb as 3 and 4 lbs of the 75DF formulations of Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb, and other mancozeb products. |
Black rot | This can be an important spray on susceptible varieties if black rot was severe the previous year, particularly if weather is wet; however, it is much less important if the vineyard was clean and carryover inoculum, consequently, is low. |
| | *NYDithane DF | 3-4 lb | |
| | or Dithane M45 | | |
| | or Manzate Pro-Stick 75DF | | |
| | or Penncozeb 75DF | | |
| OR | *NYDithane F-45 | 2.4-3.2 qt | |
| | or *NYManzate Max 4F | | |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb | Label rates for *NYDexter Max are 1.6 to 4.25 lbs/A. The 3.2 and 4.25 lb/A rates of this product contain the same amount of azoxystrobin as 10 and about 13.1 fl oz of Abound flowable (the low and mid-range of Abound rates for grapes, respectively), and the same amount of mancozeb as 3 and 4 lbs of the 75DF formulations of Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb, and other mancozeb products. |
| OR | Tebuconazole products | 4 oz | Most DMI (Group 3) fungicides - specifically generic tebuconazole products, Rally, Mettle, difenoconazole products (Revus Top, Inspire Super, Quadris Top, *NYAprovia Top), flutriafol products (†Rhyme, †Topguard EQ) - are highly effective against black rot. They provide limited (several days) "forward" protective activity and up to one week of postinfection ("backward") activity. This combination of "forward" and "backward" activity accounts for their high efficacy when applied at regular 10- to 14-day spray intervals, but their limited protective activity should be considered when alternating with materials such as the strobilurins or mancozeb or ziram, which have little to no postinfection activity. The protective activity of sprays containing these materials is increased when they are tank-mixed with mancozeb or ziram, included also for control of Phomopsis and downy mildew. Mefentrifluconazole (*NYCevya) has also been found to have excellent activity against black rot, but data are limited. The azoxystrobin contained in the combination products, Quadris Top and †Topguard EQ, will also provide additional protective ability; note, however, that the dose of azoxystrobin provided by the low rate (5 fl oz) of †Topguard EQ is only 75% as much as provided by the low rate (10 fl oz) of Quadris Top. For resistance management, it is recommended that Group 3 fungicides be applied a maximum of three times per season in total for all such products combined. CAUTION: DO NOT USE REVUS TOP, *NYAPROVIA TOP, OR INSPIRE SUPER ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). *NY Cevya should not be applied/tank mixed with horticultural oils (JMS Stylet oil, Purespray green), or injury to foliage and fruit may occur. |
| OR | Rally 40WSP | 4-5 oz |
| OR | Mettle 1ME | 3-5 oz |
| OR | Revus Top 4SC | 7 fl oz |
| | or Inspire Super | 16-20 fl oz |
| | or *NYAprovia Top 1.6EC | 8.5-13.3 fl oz |
| OR | †Rhyme 2.08SC | 4-5 fl oz |
| OR | †Topguard EQ 4.29SC | 5-6 fl oz |
| OR | *NYCevya | 4-5 fl oz |
| OR | Ziram 76DF | 3-4 lb | |
| OR | *NY†Luna Experience | 6.0-8.6 fl oz | Although *NY†Luna Experience is labeled for control of powdery mildew and can be used at rates as low as 5.0 fl oz/A, higher rates are needed for reliable black rot |
| | | | control. The 8.6 fl oz rate provides the same dose of tebuconazole as the recommended 4.0 oz rate of tebuconazole products such as the former product, ^Elite. The other component of *NY†Luna Experience (fluopyram) does not provide control of black rot. |
| OR | *NY†Luna Sensation | 7 fl oz | The 7.0 fl oz rate of *NY†Luna Sensation should provide a dose of trifloxystrobin equivalent to 3.5 fl oz of Flint Extra, enough for good to excellent control of black rot. Do not apply this product to Concord grapes or injury may occur. |
| OR | Flint Extra | 3.5-3.8 fl oz | The strobilurin-containing fungicides (Abound, Flint Extra, Pristine, Quadris Top, *NYSovran, †Topguard EQ, *NYDexter Max, *NY†Luna Sensation) provide very good protective activity; however, all except Quadris Top and †Topguard EQ provide only limited and incomplete postinfection activity (the difenoconazole and flutirafol components of Quadris Top and †Topguard EQ, respectively, provide excellent post-infection activity). CAUTION: DO NOT USE PRISTINE, QUADRIS TOP, OR FLINT EXTRA ON CONCORD GRAPES OR PRISTINE ON NOIRET GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). Note that products containing azoxystrobin (Quadris Top, †Topguard EQ, and Abound) are extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties. See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. |
| OR | *NYSovran 50WG | 3.2-4.0 oz |
| OR | Abound 2SC | 11-15 fl oz |
| OR | Pristine | 8.0-12.5 oz |
| OR | Quadris Top 2.7SC | 12-14 fl oz |
| OR | *NY†Miravis Prime | 9.2-13.4 fl oz | |
Powdery mildew | Do not delay sprays beyond this stage for V. vinifera or highly susceptible hybrids. When foliage growth is sparse, most fungicides can be used effectively at lower per-acre rates than they can from the immediate prebloom spray onwards, IF very thorough coverage is provided. |
| | Liquid Sulfur 6L | follow the label, varies among products | In addition to its protective activity, sulfur also has significant postinfection and eradicative activity against young colonies when used at relatively high rates (5 to 10 lb/A, depending on canopy density and spray coverage). |
| OR | Wettable Sulfur (several formulations) | follow the label, varies among products | Materials with eradicative activity may be particularly useful at this time if no previous sprays have been applied, especially on highly susceptible varieties. However, eradicative activity will not occur unless THOROUGH spray coverage of all green tissues is provided. |
| OR | JMS Stylet Oil | 1-2% conc., read the label | Refer to JMS Stylet Oil and Purespray Green labels for potential compatibility problems with other spray materials. Oils are most active in a post-infection or eradicant mode and provide only limited "forward" (protective) activity; protective activity is seriously diminished after ¼-inch or more of rain occurs (wash off), especially at lower rates. The eradicative activity of oils may be particularly useful at this time if no previous sprays have been applied, especially on highly susceptible varieties. However, eradicative activity will not occur unless THOROUGH spray coverage of all green tissues is provided. |
| OR | Purespray Green | 1-2% conc. |
| OR | Nutrol | 4 lb | Nutrol and the potassium bicarbonate products (Kaligreen, Milstop) provide no "forward" (protective) activity but are active in post-infection and eradicant modes, where they are most effective against incubating or very young colonies. For best results, they should be |
OR | Kaligreen 82 SP | 2.5 lb |
| | or Milstop 85WG | 2.5 lb |
| | | | tank-mixed with a product that provides protective activity; or if used alone, they should be applied at short (maximum 7 days) spray intervals. |
| OR | Tebuconazole products | 4 oz | Quadris Top, Revus Top, †Rhyme, †Topguard EQ, *NYProcure, *NYViticure, *NYTrionic, and *NYCevya), it is recommended that products containing any of them be applied a maximum of three times per season, regardless of which ones are used. CAUTION: DO NOT USE REVUS TOP ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). |
| OR | Rally 40WSP | 3-5 oz |
| OR | *NYViticure 4SC | 4-6 fl oz |
OR | *NYProcure 480SC | 4-6 fl oz |
| OR | *NYTrionic 4SC | 4-6 fl oz |
| OR | ^Mettle 1ME | 3-5 oz |
| OR | Revus Top 4SC | 7 fl oz |
| OR | †Topguard EQ 4.29SC | 5-6 fl oz |
| OR | †Rhyme 2.08 SC | 4-5 fl oz |
| OR | *NYCevya | 4-5 fl oz | *NY Cevya should not be applied/tank mixed with horticultural oils (JMS Stylet oil, Purespray green), or injury to foliage and fruit may occur. |
| OR | *NY†Gatten | 6.4 fl oz | The *NY†Gatten label recommends 6.4 fl oz per acre with a maximum 25.6 fl oz per acre per year with a maximum 4 applications, but we do not recommend more than 3 for resistance management purposes. Restrictions for New York - DO NOT apply more than 16 fl oz /A/year. |
| OR | Quintec | 3-4 fl oz | Vivando has provided excellent control of strobilurin- and DMI-resistant mildew populations and is a useful component in a rotational program for powdery mildew control. Prolivo contains an active ingredient in the same chemical class as Vivando and would be expected to perform similarly. Quintec is a powdery mildew-specific product unrelated to any other fungicide on the market and has provided very good to excellent control since its introduction as well. Neither should be applied more than three times per season, nor more than two times in a row (ideally, not even two times in a row) before rotating to a different product active against powdery mildew. |
| OR | Vivando 2.5SC | 10.3-15.4 fl oz |
| OR | Prolivo 300SC | 4-5 fl oz |
| OR | Torino 120SC | 3.4 or 6.8 fl oz | Torino is another powdery mildew-specific fungicide that's in its own unique fungicide group, unrelated to any other registered product. It has provided good to very good control in repeated NY trials. The newest label allows a maximum of two applications per year at the 3.4 fl oz rate or one application per year at the 6.8 fl oz rate. |
| OR | *NY†Luna Experience | 6.0-8.6 fl oz | *NY†Luna Experience combines fluopyram, a "Group 7" fungicide similar to boscalid (the non-strobie component of Pristine) with tebuconazole, a traditional DMI (Group 3) fungicide. It has provided excellent activity against powdery mildew in multiple trials. |
| OR | *NY†Luna Sensation | 7 fl oz | *NY†Luna Sensation is another newer product with the same fluopyram active ingredient, but combined with trifloxystrobin, a traditional strobilurin (Group 11) fungicide, instead of the tebuconazole found in *NY†Luna Experience. The 7.0 fl oz label rate delivers a rate of fluopyram about equal to 8.6 fl oz on the *NY†Luna Experience label. That same 7.0 fl oz rate also delivers about the same amount of trifloxystrobin as 3.5 fl oz of Flint Extra, adequate for good to excellent black rot control. CAUTION: Do not apply this product to Concord grapes or injury may occur. |
| OR | *NYAprovia 0.83SC | 8.6-10.5 fl oz | Aprovia is a Group 7 fungicide; it is a solo product (not combined with another active ingredient). It has provided excellent activity against powdery mildew in multiple trials, but has not provided reliable activity against any other disease. |
| OR | *NYAprovia Top 1.6EC | 8.5-13.3 fl oz | *NYAprovia Top is a relatively new product that combines the active ingredient contained in *NYAprovia plus an effective rate of the DMI fungicide difenoconazole: both active ingredients have considerable activity against powdery mildew. CAUTION: DO NOT USE *NYAPROVIA TOP ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). It is recommended that the total number of Group 7 materials (*NY†Luna Experience, *NYAprovia, *NYAprovia Top, Pristine, and *NY†Miravis Prime) applied per season be limited to no more than two, preferably not in sequence. |
OR | *NY†Miravis Prime | 9.2-13.4 fl oz |
| OR | *NYSovran 50WG | 3.2-4.0 oz | Powdery mildew resistance to the strobilurin fungicides (Abound, Flint Extra, *NYSovran; also, one component of Pristine, Quadris Top, *NY†Luna Sensation, and *NYDexter Max) has occurred in vineyards, sometimes resulting in significant crop loss. When such resistance occurs, none of the strobilurin fungicides will provide commercial control of powdery mildew, and they must be tank-mixed with an unrelated, effective fungicide to avoid crop loss. Pristine, a product that combines a strobilurin fungicide with an unrelated material (boscalid) has provided very good control of strobilurin- resistant populations. However, control of strobilurin-resistant powdery mildew strains comes only from the boscalid component, which also is at risk for resistance development; hence, Pristine should be used sparingly a with caution where problems with strobilurins have been encountered. Quadris Top is a relatively new product that combines the active ingredient contained in Abound plus an effective rate of the DMI fungicide difenoconazole. Where they are still effective, it is critical to use the strobilurins in a manner that minimizes the probability or speed of future resistance development. We therefore recommend making no more than two applications of any strobilurin-containing (Group 11) product per year. CAUTION: DO NOT USE PRISTINE, QUADRIS TOP, FLINT EXTRA, or *NY†LUNA SENSATION ON CONCORD GRAPES OR PRISTINE ON NOIRET GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. |
| OR | Abound 2SC | 11-15 fl oz |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb |
| OR | Pristine | 8.0-12.5 oz |
| OR | Flint Extra | 3.0-3.5 fl oz |
| OR | Endura 70WG | 4.5 oz |
| OR | Quadris Top 2.7SC | 12-14 fl oz |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| OR | Double Nickel LC | 1-2 qt | Double Nickel is a biopesticide sold in both liquid and WDG formulations. It requires relatively short spray intervals and has provided fair to very good results in NY trials, depending on cultivar susceptibility. It has been most effective on moderately susceptible cultivars rather than highly susceptible cultivars such as Chardonnay. |
| Or Double Nickel 55 | 0.5-1 lb |
| OR | Oso 5SC | 6.5 fl oz | Oso and Ph-D are relatively new products that contain the same, older active ingredient. They have provided good |
| OR | Ph-D 89WDG | 6.2 oz |
| | | | to very good results in NY trials when rotated with strong conventional materials. |
| OR | Regalia | 1-4 qts (see label) | Regalia is a biopesticide that has provided fair to very good control of powdery mildew in NY trials, depending on disease pressure. It is likely to work best on less susceptible varieties or at times of year when pressure is low. Different rates are recommended depending on whether it is used alone or in a tank mix. Because Regalia requires 48 hours to activate plant defenses, applications need to start before infection. This product could be included in an organic spray program or in rotation before or after the critical powdery mildew control window (immediate prebloom and post bloom) to slow the development of resistance to other products. Regalia should not be relied on for powdery mildew control during immediate prebloom and post bloom applications. |
| OR | ProBlad Verde | 18.1-45.7 fl oz | ProBlad Verde is a biopesticide that has provided fair to good control of powdery mildew in NY and PA trials. ProBlad Verde is OMRI listed and can be included in an organic spray program or in rotation before or after the critical powdery mildew control window (immediate prebloom and post bloom) to slow the development of resistance to other products. It should not be relied on for conventional powdery mildew control during this critical window. No more than 5 applications can be made during the season, and ProBlad Verde may be applied no more than twice before alternating with a product that has a different mode of action. |
| OR | Howler | 2.5-7.5 lbs | |
| OR | Romeo | 0.23 lbs | |
| OR | Stargus | 0.5-4.0 qts | Stargus has shown to be more effective when tank mixed with Regalia. |
Downy mildew | The downy mildew organism first becomes active at approximately 10-inch shoot growth and can cause infection if rains occur and temperatures are above 50°F. This spray can be important on highly susceptible varieties or in problem vineyards if wet weather occurs before the next spray is applied, particularly if disease was significant the previous year. |
| | *NYDithane DF, | 3-4 lb | |
| | or Dithane M45 | | |
| | or Manzate Pro-Stick 75DF | | |
| | or Penncozeb 75DF | | |
| OR | *NYDithane F-45 | 2.4-3.2 qt | |
| | or Manzate Max 4F | | |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb | Label rates for *NYDexter Max are 1.6 to 4.25 lbs/A. The 3.2 and 4.25 lb/A rates of this product contain the same amount of azoxystrobin as 10 and about 13.1 fl oz of Abound flowable (the low and mid-range of Abound rates for grapes, respectively), and the same amount of mancozeb as 3 and 4 lbs of the 75DF formulations of Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb, and other mancozeb products. CAUTION: *NY dexter max is extremely phytotoxic to certain |
| | | | apple varieties due to the active ingredient azoxystrobin. See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. |
| OR | Captan 4L | 1.5-2.0 qt | |
| | or Captan 50WP | 2-4 lb | |
| | or Captan 80WDG | 1.25-2.5 lb | |
| | or Captan Gold 4L | 1-2 qt | |
| | or Captan Gold 80WDG | 1.25-2.5 lb | |
| OR | Abound 2SC *NYSovran 50WG Pristine Quadris Top 2.7SC *NY†Reason 500SC | not recommended for use alone | Resistance Warning: Downy mildew resistance to the "Group 11" fungicides (Abound, Flint Extra, Pristine, Quadris Top, *NY†Reason, *NYSovran) has developed in multiple NY vineyards, causing significant crop loss. Thus, it is now risky to rely on these fungicides for control of downy mildew, particularly in the prebloom through early postbloom period while fruit are highly susceptible. When such resistance occurs, none of these fungicides will provide commercial control of the disease, and they must be combined with an effective rate of an unrelated fungicide to avoid potential crop loss. If using these materials, it is recommended that they be applied a maximum of two times per year for all Group 11 products combined. CAUTION: DO NOT USE PRISTINE, QUADRIS TOP, OR FLINT EXTRA ON CONCORD GRAPES OR PRISTINE ON NOIRET GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). Note that Quadris Top, Abound and *NY dexter max are extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties due to the active ingredient azoxystrobin. See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. |
| OR | ProPhyt | 1.8-3.6 pt | ProPhyt, Phostrol, and Rampart are among several products containing phosphorous acid (phosphonate, phosphite) that are registered for control of downy mildew. Phosphonate products provide limited protective and good to very good postinfection activity. The labeled rate ranges given are intended to account for variable canopy densities and disease pressure: The lower rates are appropriate during the prebloom period, but they should be increased as canopy volumes increase rapidly after fruit set. All three products contain roughly comparable levels of active ingredient (Rampart has 7% less than the other two), and appear to provide comparable levels of control when used at the same rate of product. Optimum spray intervals depend on weather conditions and rate applied; 10 days appears to be effective, whereas 14 days is too long under heavy disease pressure. Refer to the discussion on "phosphorous acid" in the "Fungicides" section. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT USE OF THESE PRODUCTS BE LIMITED TO A MAXIUMUM OF THREE APPLICATIONS PER YEAR, WITH NO MORE THAN TWO SEQUENTIAL APPLICATIONS, IN ORDER TO DELAY RESISTANCE DEVELOPMENT. |
OR | Phostrol | 2.5-5 pt |
| OR | Rampart | 2-6 pt |
| OR | Revus 2SC | 8 fl oz | Revus controls only downy mildew. Revus Top is a combination product that contains the active ingredient from Revus plus a second fungicide (difenoconazole, a DMI or Group 3 material) that controls powdery mildew, black rot, and anthracnose. Revus products have proven to be very effective under high disease pressure. Revus products are absorbed by plant tissues, so are not subject to wash-off once this has occurred, and they provide both protective and limited post-infection activities. Revus is labeled for use at 7-day intervals but has given very good to excellent control on V. vinifera cultivars when applied at 14-day intervals in several NY trials, even under high disease pressure; it has a 14-day PHI. Revus Top is labeled for use at 14-day intervals, and also has a 14-day PHI. CAUTION: DO NOT USE REVUS TOP ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). |
| or Revus Top 4SC | 7 fl oz |
| OR | *NY†Zampro 4.4SC | 11-14 fl oz | *NY†Zampro is a new fungicide active against only downy mildew. *NY†Zampro contains two downy mildew-specific active ingredients: (i) ametoctradin, representing a new class of chemistry (Group 45), with no other representatives currently registered; and (ii) dimethomorph, a Group 40 fungicide similar to Revus. It is assumed to have good protective activity, some limited post-infection activity greater than that of Revus or Revus Top, and anti-sporulant activity. It is labeled for use at 7-10 day intervals but has provided very good to excellent control on V. vinifera cultivars when used at 14-day intervals in several NY trials, even under high disease pressure. The label allows a maximum of four applications per season, but we recommend no more than three applications of *NY†Zampro and Revus (or Revus Top) combined, and no more than two sequential applications of these products before rotating to a product that does not contain a Group 40 material. |
| OR | *NYGavel 75DF | 2.0-2.5 lb | *NYGavel is a relatively new fungicide labeled for control of downy mildew and other diseases. It is a combination of two active ingredients: (i) zoxamide, a downy mildew-specific fungicide; and (ii) mancozeb. In a limited number of trials, *NYGavel has provided fair to good control of downy mildew when applied at 14-day intervals. When applied at the labeled rate of 2.0-2.5 lb/A, it provides the same amount of mancozeb as 1.8-2.2 lb of standard 75DF formulations of other mancozeb products such as Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb, etc. Thus, for control of labeled diseases other than downy mildew, *NYGavel should be tank-mixed with sufficient quantities of another mancozeb product to provide a mancozeb dosage equivalent to the labeled rates of 3-4 lb/A of the 75DF formulations of such products. |
| OR | Ranman 400SC | 2.1-2.75 fl oz | Ranman is a new fungicide unrelated to any other registered product. It is active only against downy mildew, primarily as a protectant but with some limited post-infection activity. It has provided good to excellent control in NY trials and has been most effective when tank-mixed with a phosphonate product to provide additional post-infection activity. |
| OR | Howler | 2.5-7.5 lbs | |
Anthracnose | Only a common problem on a few specific varieties, particularly Marquette and Reliance and, to a lesser extent, Vidal Blanc (see the entry under Anthracnose in Section 3.1, Vineyard Disease Management, for a list of other susceptible varieties and the weather conditions favoring its development). Only Rally, Inspire Super, Revus Top, Mettle, Quadris Top, and Pristine are specifically labeled for control of anthracnose, although traditional broad-spectrum fungicides also have activity against it. Experience with controlling anthracnose in NY and neighboring states suggests that sprays of mancozeb, ziram, or captan applied to control Phomopsis and other diseases during the early season are likely to provide control of anthracnose during that period as well. A spray of lime sulfur that is applied thoroughly at the "delayed dormant" stage will also provide some control, and can be used to supplement conventional fungicide programs in problem blocks or to substitute for them to some extent when conventional fungicides will not be used (e.g., "organic" production systems). |
Angular leaf scorch | Various mancozeb products applied according to label directions for Phomopsis, black rot or downy mildew management also have given good control of angular leaf scorch. The difenoconazole products (Inspire Super, Quadris Top, Revus Top) are labeled for control of rotbrenner, the European "cousin" of angular leaf scorch, which is caused by a very closely related fungus. |
Eutypa dieback | Trunks and cordons infected with Eutypa are most noticeable at this time. (New shoots above cankers are stunted, with small, cupped, greenish-yellow leaves.) To minimize spread of the disease, diseased arms and trunks should be pruned out now or be flagged for removal after harvest (disease spread occurs during the winter and early spring), cutting at least 6 to 8 inches below any discolored or dead wood associated with the canker. Infected wood should be removed from the vineyard and, ideally, disposed of by burning or burying. |
Banded grape bug, Lygocoris inconspicuous | In late May, scout vineyards for the immature stages (nymphs) of banded grape bug and Lygocoris inconspicuous. Restrict your search to shoot tips and clusters where the nymphs spend most of their time. Small nymphs can be difficult to find within the cluster. An alternative method for scouting is to remove clusters from the vine and swirl them around in a container of soapy water or ethyl alcohol. The nymphs exit the clusters and drop to the bottom where they can be counted. Infestation levels greater than 1 nymph per 10 shoots can cause crop loss. Insecticide applied before the second week in June will prevent economic injury. Infestations do not occur in most vineyards or necessarily throughout a vineyard block; therefore it may not be necessary to treat the entire vineyard or all blocks at a vineyard. |
| | *Danitol 2.4EC | 10.67-21.3 fl oz | |
| OR | *NYImidan 70W | 1.33-2.125 lb | |
OR | *NYAssail 30SG | 2.5 oz | Only labeled for banded grape bug. |
* Federal restricted-use pesticide*NY Restricted-use pesticide in New York State |
† Not for use in Nassau/Suffolk Counties.^ Not registered for use in New York State at press time |