Pest(s) | | Materials | Rate per Acre | Comments |
5.2.10 SECOND POSTBLOOM SPRAY (7-14 days after first postbloom spray) |
Black rot | | Ziram 76DF | 4 lb | |
| OR | *NYDithane DF | 4 lb | Mancozeb products may not be used within 66 days of harvest. |
| | or Dithane M45 | |
| | or Manzate Pro-Stick 75DF | |
| | or Penncozeb 75DF | | |
| OR | *NYDithane F-45 | 3.2 qt | |
| or *NYManzate Max 4F | | |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb | Label rates for *NYDexter Max are 1.6 to 4.25 lbs/A. The 3.2 and 4.25 lb/A rates of this product contain the same amount of azoxystrobin as 10 and about 13.1 fl oz of Abound flowable (the low and mid-range of Abound rates for grapes, respectively), and the same amount of mancozeb as 3 and 4 lbs of the 75DF formulations of Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb, and other mancozeb products. |
| OR | Tebuconazole products | 4 oz | Refer to the discussion above in the "Immediate Prebloom" and "1st Postbloom" sections concerning the activities of these Group 3 fungicides (Rally, Mettle, Revus Top/Inspire Super/*NYAprovia Top, †Rhyme) and the Group 3/azoxystrobin mixes (Quadris Top, †Topguard EQ) for control of black rot. |
| OR | Rally 40WSP | 4-5 oz |
| OR | Mettle 1ME | 5 oz |
OR | †Rhyme 2.08SC | 5 fl oz |
| OR | Revus Top 4SC | 7 fl oz | CAUTION: Do not use Revus Top, Inspire Super, Quadris Top, or *NYAPROVIA TOP on Concord grapes (causes injury). Check label for other problem cultivars. |
| or Inspire Super | 16-20 fl oz |
| OR | Quadris Top 2.7SC | 12-14 fl oz |
| OR | *NYAprovia Top 1.6EC | 8.5-13.3 fl oz |
| OR | †Topguard EQ 4.29SC | 5-6 fl oz | |
| OR | *NYCevya | 4-5 fl oz | *NY Cevya should not be applied/tank mixed with horticultural oils (JMS Stylet oil, Purespray green), or injury to foliage and fruit may occur. |
| OR | Flint Extra | 3.5-3.8 fl oz | CAUTION: Do not use Flint EXTRA on Concord grapes (causes injury). |
| OR | *NYSovran 50WG | 3.2-4.0 oz | |
| OR | Abound 2SC | 11-15 fl oz | Note that Abound, QUADRIS TOP, †TOPGUARD EQ, and *NYdexter max ARE extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties due to the active ingredient azoxystrobin. See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. |
| OR | Pristine | 10-12.5 oz | CAUTION: Do not use Pristine, on Concord or Noiret grapes (causeS injury). |
| OR | *NY†Luna Experience | 6.0-8.6 fl oz | The 6.0-fl oz rate of *NY†Luna Experience is adequate for powdery mildew and for Botrytis during the bloom and post-bloom period, but 8.6 fl oz/A is likely to be necessary for reliable black rot control unless another product active against this disease (e.g., mancozeb or ziram) is being used as well. It is recommended that the total number of applications of Group 7 materials (*NY†Luna Experience, Pristine, Endura [no black rot activity], and *NYAprovia [only moderate black rot activity]) be limited to no more than two per season. |
| OR | *NY†Luna Sensation | 7 fl oz | The 7.0 fl oz rate of *NY†Luna Sensation should provide a dose of trifloxystrobin equivalent to 3.5 fl oz of Flint Extra, enough for good to excellent control of black rot. CAUTION: Do not apply this product to Concord grapes or injury may occur. |
| OR | *NY†Miravis Prime | 9.2-13.4 fl oz | *NY†Miravis Prime has provided excellent control of black rot in PA trials at the 11.4 and 13.4 fl oz rates. |
Powdery mildew | From this point on, powdery mildew management programs will be highly variable depending on the variety and year. Pay attention to the success of the control program to date (does spread from well-established infections need to be fought?), temperature, and sunshine intensity. Concord fruit become resistant to infection about this time and no longer require protection; however, new leaves remain susceptible until shoot growth stops, and rachises remain susceptible until late summer. Research has shown that from this stage on, protecting Concord leaves against powdery mildew provides little benefit in most years on lightly to moderately cropped vines, whereas it can be beneficial on heavily cropped vines. Mid-summer leaf protection may be particularly important in even moderately cropped Concord vineyards during cloudy, poor-ripening years, which both favor powdery mildew development and limit sugar production and accumulation in berries. Berries of V. vinifera and certain hybrid varieties retain some susceptibility until shortly after bunch closing, and research has shown that infections that occur on these varieties near bunch closure may lead to significant Botrytis bunch rot at harvest. Foliage of V. vinifera and highly susceptible hybrid varieties will require protection through veraison or beyond. Where powdery mildew management is needed, sprays must be applied even during extended dry periods when other diseases are not a threat, although spray intervals can often be extended when conditions are predominantly hot and dry. Good control of leaf infections through Labor Day will significantly reduce overwintering |
| inoculum levels. Fixed coppers will not control powdery mildew on highly susceptible varieties but are adequate on Concord and other moderately susceptible varieties that are not copper sensitive. |
| | Liquid Sulfur 6L | see label, rates vary | |
| OR | Wettable Sulfur (several formulations) | see label, rates vary | |
| OR | Nutrol | 4- 8 lb | Refer to the discussion above in the "Immediate Prebloom" and "1st Postbloom" sections concerning the activities of the potassium salt fungicides (Nutrol, Kaligreen, Milstop) for control of powdery mildew. |
| OR | Kaligreen 82 SP | 2.5-5.0 lb |
| OR | Milstop 85WG | 2.5-5.0 lb |
| OR | Tebuconazole products | 4 oz |
| OR | Rally 40WSP | 4-5 oz | Tank mixes of fixed copper and Rally should be sprayed out as soon as possible; periods of several hours or more in a solution with copper can reduce the effectiveness of these products. |
| OR | Mettle 1ME | 5 fl oz | Refer to the discussion above in the "Immediate Prebloom" and "1st Postbloom" sections about powdery mildew resistance concerns and management considerations for these Group 3 fungicides (Tebuconazole products, *NYCevya, Rally, Mettle, Revus Top/Inspire Super/*NYAprovia Top, †Rhyme, *NYProcure, *NYViticure, *NYTrionic) and the Group 3/azoxystrobin mixes (Quadris Top, †Topguard EQ). CAUTION: DO NOT USE REVUS TOP, INSPIRE SUPER, OR *NYAPROVIA TOP ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). *NY Cevya should not be applied/tank mixed with horticultural oils (JMS Stylet oil, Purespray green), or injury to foliage and fruit may occur. |
OR | †Rhyme 2.08SC | 5 fl oz |
OR | *NYCevya | 4-5 fl oz |
OR | Revus Top 4SC | 7 fl oz |
| | or Inspire Super | 16-20 fl oz |
| OR | *NY†Gatten | 6.4 fl oz | The *NY†Gatten label recommends 6.4 fl oz per acre with a maximum 25.6 fl oz per acre per year with a maximum 4 applications, but we do not recommend more than 3 for resistance management purposes. Restrictions for New York - DO NOT apply more than 16 fl oz /A/year. |
| OR | JMS Stylet Oil | 1-2% conc. see label | |
| OR | Purespray Green | 1-2% conc. | |
| OR | *NYViticure 4SC | 6-8 fl oz | |
OR | *NYProcure 480SC | 6-8 fl oz | |
| OR | *NYTrionic | 6-8 fl oz | |
| OR | fixed copper (several formulations) | 2 lb | Fixed copper plus lime should not be mixed with Sevin or *NYImidan. |
| | + hydrated lime | 4 lb | |
| OR | Champ Formula 2 | 1.33 pt | |
| + hydrated lime | 0.5 lb/100 gal, see label | |
| OR | Flint Extra | 3.0-3.5 fl oz | Resistance Warning: Powdery mildew resistance to the strobilurin fungicides is common. Please refer to the discussion concerning powdery mildew resistance to these fungicides that is provided in the "Immediate Prebloom" section. CAUTION: Do not use Flint EXTRA on Concord grapes (causes injury). |
| OR | *NYSovran 50WG | 3.2-4.0 oz | |
OR | Abound 2SC | 11-15 fl oz | Note that Abound, Quadris Top, †TOPGUARD EQ, and *NYDexter max are extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties due to the active ingredient azoxystrobin. See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. CAUTION: Do not use Quadris Top on Concord grapes (causes injury). |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb |
| OR | Quadris Top 2.7SC | 12-14 fl oz |
| OR | †Topguard EQ 4.3SC | 5-6 fl oz |
| OR | Pristine | 8-12.5 oz | CAUTION: Do not use Pristine on Concord grapes or Noiret grapes (causes injury). |
| OR | Endura 70WG | 4.5 oz | |
| OR | Quintec | 4 fl oz | |
| OR | Vivando 2.5SC | 10.3-15.4 fl oz | Vivando and Prolivo are similar products with an active ingredient in the same chemical class and should provide similar (good to excellent) levels of powdery mildew control. |
| OR | Prolivo 300SC | 4-5 fl oz |
| OR | *NY†Luna Experience | 6.0-8.6 fl oz | See earlier entries for comments regarding *NY†Luna Experience, *NY†Luna Sensation, *NYAprovia, *NYAprovia Top, Torino, the Double Nickel products, Oso, and Ph-D. DO NOT USE *NYAPROVIA TOP OR *NY†LUNA SENSATION ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). |
| OR | *NY†Luna Sensation | 7 fl oz |
| OR | *NYAprovia 0.83EC | 8.6-10.5 fl oz |
| OR | *NYAprovia Top 1.6EC | 8.5-13.3 fl oz |
| OR | *NY†Miravis Prime | 9.2-13.4 fl oz | *NY†Miravis Prime is a combination of a new succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide (SDHI, Group 7) and fludioxonil (Group 12). In NY and PA trials, *NY†Miravis Prime has provided high levels of powdery mildew control. |
| OR | Torino 120 SC | 3.4 or 6.8 fl oz | The newest Torino label allows a maximum of two applications per year at the 3.4 fl oz rate or one application per year at the 6.8 fl oz rate. |
| OR | Double Nickel LC | 2 qt | |
| | or Double Nickel 55 | 1 lb | |
OR | Oso 5SC | 6.5 fl oz | |
| | or Ph-D 89WDG | 6.2 oz | |
| OR | Regalia | 1-4 qts (see label) | Regalia is a biopesticide that has provided fair to very good control of powdery mildew in NY trials, depending on disease pressure. It is likely to work best on less susceptible varieties or at times of year when pressure is low. Different rates are recommended depending on whether it is used alone or in a tank mix. Because Regalia requires 48 hours to activate plant defenses, applications need to start before infection. This product could be included in an organic spray program or in rotation before or after the critical powdery mildew control window (immediate prebloom and post bloom) to slow the development of resistance to other products. Regalia should not be relied on for powdery mildew control during immediate prebloom and post bloom applications. |
| OR | ProBlad Verde | 18.1-45.7 fl oz | ProBlad Verde is a biopesticide that has provided fair to good control of powdery mildew in NY and PA trials. ProBlad Verde is OMRI listed and can be included in an organic spray program or in rotation before or after the critical powdery mildew control window (immediate prebloom and post bloom) to slow the development of resistance to other products. ProBlad Verde should not be relied on for conventional powdery mildew control during this critical window. No more than 5 applications can be made during the season, and ProBlad Verde may be applied no more than twice before alternating with a product that has a different mode of action. |
| OR | Howler | 2.5-7.5 lbs | |
| OR | Romeo | 0.23 lbs | |
| OR | Stargus | 0.5-4.0 qts | Stargus has shown to be more effective when tank mixed with Regalia. |
Downy mildew | Fruit of highly susceptible varieties are still subject to infection at this time. This is also a critical time to prevent epidemic buildup of downy mildew on the foliage of susceptible varieties. Refer to the discussion of downy mildew biology under the "pest information" section for additional guidance. |
| | *NYDithane DF | 4 lb | Mancozeb products may not be used within 66 days of harvest. |
| or Dithane M45 | |
| | or Manzate Pro-Stick 75DF | |
| | or Penncozeb 75DF | | |
| OR | *NYDithane F-45 | 3.2 qt | |
| | or *NYManzate Max 4F | | |
| OR | *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb | Label rates for *NYDexter Max are 1.6 to 4.25 lbs/A. The 3.2 and 4.25 lb/A rates of this product contain the same amount of azoxystrobin as 10 and about 13.1 fl oz of Abound flowable (the low and mid-range of Abound rates for grapes, respectively), and the same amount of mancozeb as 3 and 4 lbs of the 75DF formulations of Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb, and other mancozeb products. |
| OR | Captan 4L | 2 qt | |
| | or Captan 50 WP | 4 lb | |
| or Captan 80 WDG | 2.5 lb | |
| | or Captan Gold 4L | 1-2 qt | |
| | or Captan Gold 80WDG | 1.25-2.5 lb | |
| OR | Ridomil Gold Copper | 2 lb | Resistance Warning: Ridomil Gold is the most effective material to use against downy mildew but is highly prone to resistance development. See previous discussions regarding the rates of mancozeb and copper in the MZ and Copper formulations. To reduce the risk of developing resistance, use no more than one to two total applications of Ridomil per season (MZ and Copper formulations combined), do not apply two applications in a row, and do not attempt "rescue" treatments with this material if an epidemic is in progress. Ridomil Gold MZ may not be used within 66 days of harvest, whereas Ridomil Gold Copper may be used to within 42 days of harvest. |
OR | Ridomil Gold MZ WG | 2.5 lb |
| OR | fixed copper (several formulations) | 2 lb | CAUTION: Tank mixes of fixed copper and Rally should be sprayed out as soon as possible; periods of several hours or more in a solution with copper can reduce the effectiveness of Rally. Fixed copper plus lime should not be mixed with Sevin or *NYImidan. |
| | + hydrated lime | 4 lb |
| OR | Champ Formula 2 | 1.33-2.66 pt | |
| | + hydrated lime | 0.5 lb/100 gal, see label | |
| OR | Abound 2SC Quadris Top 2.7SC Pristine *NYSovran 50WG *NY†Reason 500SC †Topguard EQ 4.3SC | Not recommended for use alone | Resistance Warning: Refer to the discussion above in the "Immediate Prebloom" and "1st Postbloom" sections about downy mildew resistance concerns and management considerations for the Group 11 (strobilurin) fungicides. CAUTION: DO NOT USE PRISTINE, QUADRIS TOP, OR REVUS TOP ON CONCORD GRAPES NOR PRISTINE ON NOIRET GRAPES (CAUSE INJURY). CHECK INDIVIDUAL LABELS FOR OTHER CULTIVARS THAT MIGHT ALSO BE AFFECTED. Note that Quadris Top Abound, †topguard eq, and *NYdexter max are extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties due to the active ingredient azoxystrobin. See the ABOUND entry in Section 3.2 for information concerning use of these fungicides in Pennsylvania. |
| OR | ProPhyt | 2-4 pt | Refer to the discussion above in the "Immediate Prebloom" and "1st Postbloom" sections about use of the phosphorous acid fungicides (e.g., ProPhyt, Phostrol, Rampart). IT IS IMPORTANT THAT USE OF THESE PRODUCTS BE LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF THREE APPLICATIONS PER YEAR, WITH NO MORE THAN TWO SEQUENTIAL APPLICATIONS, IN ORDER TO DELAY RESISTANCE DEVELOPMENT. For additional information, refer to the discussion on "phosphorous acid" in the "Fungicides" section. |
| OR | Phostrol | 2.5-5 pt |
| OR | Rampart | 2-6 pt |
| OR | Revus 2SC | 8 fl oz | Revus controls only downy mildew. Revus Top is a combination product that contains the active ingredient from Revus plus a second fungicide (difenoconazole, a DMI or Group 3 material) that controls powdery mildew, black rot, and anthracnose. Revus products have proven to be very effective under high disease pressure. All are absorbed by plant tissues, so are not subject to wash-off once this has occurred, and provide both protective and limited post-infection activities (The post-infection activity of the Revus products is likely to be maximized by applying them with a penetrating surfactant). Revus is labeled for use at 7-day intervals but has given very good control on V. vinifera cultivars when applied at 14-day intervals in several NY trials; it has a 14-day PHI. Revus Top is labeled for use at 14-day intervals, and also has a 14-day PHI. CAUTION: DO NOT USE REVUS TOP ON CONCORD GRAPES (CAUSES INJURY). |
| or Revus Top 4SC | 7 fl oz |
| OR | *NYGavel 75DF | 2.0-2.5 lb | *NYGavel is a relatively new fungicide labeled for control of downy mildew and other diseases. It is a combination of two active ingredients: (i) zoxamide, a downy mildew- specific fungicide; and (ii) mancozeb. When applied at |
| | | | the labeled rate of 2.0-2.5 lb/A, it provides the same amount of mancozeb as 1.8-2.2 lb of standard 75DF formulations of other mancozeb products such as Dithane, Penncozeb, etc. Thus, for control of labeled diseases other than downy mildew, *NYGavel should be tank-mixed with sufficient quantities of another mancozeb product to provide a mancozeb dosage equivalent to the labeled rates of 3-4 lb/A of the 75DF formulations of such products. In a limited number of trials, *NYGavel has provided fair to good control of downy mildew when applied at 14-day intervals. |
| OR | Ranman 400SC | 2.1-2.75 fl oz | Ranman is a new fungicide unrelated to any other registered product. It is active only against downy mildew, primarily as a protectant but with limited post-infection activity. It has provided good to excellent control in NY trials, and has been most effective when tank-mixed with a phosphonate product to provide additional post-infection activity. |
| OR | *NY†Zampro 4.4SC | 11-14 fl oz | *NY†Zampro is a new fungicide active against only downy mildew. *NY†Zampro contains two downy mildew-specific active ingredients: (i) ametoctradin, representing a new class of chemistry (Group 45), with no other representatives currently registered; and (ii) dimethomorph, a Group 40 fungicide similar to Revus. It is assumed to have good protective activity; some limited post-infection activity; and anti-sporulant activity. It is labeled for use at 7-10 day intervals but has provided very good to excellent control on V. vinifera cultivars when used at 14-day intervals in several NY trials, even under heavy pressure. The label allows a maximum of four applications per season, but we recommend no more than three applications of *NY†Zampro and Revus (or Revus Top) combined, and no more than two sequential applications of these products before rotating to a product that does not contain a Group 40 material. |
| OR | Howler | 2.5-7.5 lbs | |
Phomopsis cane and leaf spot (rachis and fruit infections) | Although grape berries and rachises remain susceptible to infection by the Phomopsis fungus until later, research indicates that the seasonal supply of Phomopsis spores is virtually exhausted by early summer, unless the weather has been very dry for several weeks beforehand. Thus, continued protection from this point forward is not necessary in most vineyards or most years, although it might be under unusual circumstances on highly susceptible varieties in very wet years. |
| | *NYDithane DF | 4 lb | CAUTION: Do not apply mancozeb products within 66 days of harvest. |
| or Dithane M45 | |
| or Manzate Pro-Stick 75DF | | |
| | or *NYDexter Max | 3.2-4.25 lb | See earlier comments about rates of *NYDexter Max |
| or Penncozeb 75DF | | |
OR | *NYDithane F-45 | 3.2 qt | |
| | or *NYManzate Max 4F | | |
| OR | Captan 4L | 1.5-2.0 qt | |
| | or Captan 50WP | 2-4 lb | |
| | or Captan 80WDG | 1.25-2.5 lb | |
| | or Captan Gold 4L | 1-2 qt | |
| | or Captan Gold 80WDG | 1.25-2.5 lb | |
OR | Ziram 76DF | 4 lb | |
OR | Abound 2 SC | 11-12 fl oz | |
OR | *NYSovran 50WG | 3.2-4.0 oz | |
OR | Pristine | 8-12.5 oz | |
* Federal restricted-use pesticide*NY Restricted-use pesticide in New York State |
† Not for use in Nassau/Suffolk Counties.^ Not registered for use in New York State at press time |