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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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Rate per Acre



Mealybugs & Soft scale

Dormant oil

read the label

Do not apply 10 days before or after a sulfur application, due to the risk of phytotoxicity. Dormant spray targets overwintered crawler stage. Recent research indicates oil applied at budswell provides temporary suppression of mealybugs. Likely more effective against soft scale insects.



16 fl oz

Only labeled for lecanium scale. Can use oil with Knack at this time (delayed dormant). Not to exceed 32 fl oz/A for season. If used during season, time for presence with crawlers. Do not use oil when foliage is present.



6.25 fl oz

Apply to foliage prior to bloom and repeat 30 days later. Must be applied with spray adjuvant to aid in foliage penetration. Choose adjuvant that is compatible with other pesticides being applied. Do not use with Induce. LI 700 has been successfully used as an adjuvant in research trials. Maximum of 12.5 fl oz per acre per season (0.125 lb spirotetramat). Movento label includes suppression of European fruit lecanium scale.



12-16 fl oz

Mealybugs and lecanium scale (suppression only). Senstar must be used with spray adjuvant/additive having spreading and penetrating properties. However, do not use adjuvants having sticker/adhesive properites. Do not tank mix with horticultural spray oil with Captan or crop protectant with sulfur nor sequentially with these products. Do not tank mix with Induce adjuvant. Minimum interval between treatments is 30 days. Maximum Senstar per season is 25 fl oz (= 0.195 lb spirotetramat).


*Baythroid XL

2.4-3.2 fl oz

Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. Maximum of 12.8 fl oz *Baythroid XL per season. Mealybugs only.


*Leverage 360

3.2-6.4 fl oz

Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. Maximum of 6.4 fl oz *Leverage 360 per season. Mealybugs only.


*NYAssail 30SG

2.5 oz

Mealybugs only.Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. The addition of a spreader may aid in efficacy. Maximum of 5.3 oz for the season.


*NYAdmire Pro

1.0-1.4 fl oz

Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July if applied as foliar spray. Max per season of *NYAdmire Pro is 0.1 lb ai (imidacloprid). When applied through drip system, label also includes European fruit lecanium scale.



1.5-3.5 oz

Mealybug only. Maximum of 7.0 oz/A per season of *NY†Actara allowed. Minimum spray interval is 14 days. Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk counties in NY. Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July.



8-17 fl oz

Mealybug only. Not for use on grapes in NYS. Maximum of 17 fl oz *NY†Platinum per season. Systemic insecticide applied to the soil. Most effective when applied via drip irrigation.



9-12 oz

Mealybugs and European fruit lecanium scale. Maximum of 24 oz *NY†Applaud per season. Allow at least 14 days between applications and maximum of 2 applications per season. Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or

target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. Use high rate for lecanium scale. Not allowed in Nassau and Suffolk counties in NY.


*NY†Voliam Flexi

4.5 oz

Mealybug only. Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. Maximum of 9 oz *NY†Voliam Flexi per acre per season.



5.1-6.4 fl oz

Target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. Maximum of 12.8 oz *Brigadier per season.



2 pts

Mealybug only. Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July.


Sevin XLR

1-2 qts

Target overwintered crawlers at late budbreak or target first generation crawler stage that occurs in late June or early July. European fruit lecanium scale only.


* Federal restricted-use pesticide*NY Restricted-use pesticide in New York State

† Not for use in Nassau/Suffolk Counties.^ Not registered for use in New York State at press time