Pest(s) | | Materials | Rate per Acre | Comments |
Drosophila fruit flies, spotted wing drosophila | Fruit flies become active in the vineyard near and during harvest when ripe fruit is present. Several species of Drosophila fruit flies can be present, including the invasive spotted wing drosophila. The main threat from these fruit flies at this time is the potential to spread fruit rot organisms, especially sour rot. See 5.2.12 for more details on managing sour rot, including notes on the importance of controlling Drosophila fruit flies as part of the management program. Our research on the benefits of insecticides targeting Drosophila in combination with broad-spectrum sterilents has mainly evaluated efficacy of weekly insecticides, starting at around 15 Brix for susceptible cultivars. We are not certain if weekly applications are necessary and this will be the focus on future research. Be aware that there is growing evidence that some populations of one species of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, have developed resistance to some insecticides including pyrethroids (e.g. *Mustang Maxx) and organophosphates (e.g. malathion) and neonicitinoids (e.g. *NYAssail). So far, we have not detected resistance to spinosyns such as Delegate, although the potential is there. Although it is fairly likely that insecticide resistance, and the associated reduction in efficacy to control fruit flies, contributes to sour rot problems, this does not necessarily mean you are not getting some level of control of fruit flies under field conditions. However, it reinforces the need to monitor for fruit flies before and after an insecticide application to make sure the materials are effective, and critically, it reinforces the need to only use insecticides when needed and to rotate among different insecticide classes. |
| | *Diazinon | | Do not apply within 28 days of harvest. Do not apply within 18 days of harvest if a spreader sticker is used. Note that new *Diazinon labels do not include grape and therefore cannot be used. Product with older label that does include grape on label allowed. |
| OR | Delegate WG | 3-5 oz | Do not make more than two consecutive applications of group 5 insecticides. Do not make more than 5 applications per season. Do not apply more than 19.5 |
| | | | oz/A/year. Pre-harvest interval is 3 days for more recent product but 7 days for older. Check your label. |
OR | Entrust SC | 4-8 fl oz | 2(ee) recommendation in NYS for spotted wing drosophila specifically. Do not make more than two consecutive applications of group 5 insecticides. Do not apply more than 23 fl oz Entrust SC/A/season. Pre-harvest interval is 3 days on more recent product label but 7 days for older. Check label. |
| OR | Entrust | 2.5 oz | 2(ee) recommendation in NYS. For suppression of spotted wing drosophila. Do not make more than two consecutive applications of group 5 insecticides. Do not apply more than 9 oz Entrust/A/season. Pre-harvest interval is 3 days. Older labels may list 7 days; check the label. |
| OR | *Danitol 2.4EC | 10.67-21.33 fl oz | For spotted wing drosophila specifically. Note pre-harvest interval of 21 days. |
| OR | *Mustang Maxx | 4 fl oz | Spotted wing drosophila and other vinegar flies. DTH is 1 day. |
| OR | *Baythroid XL | 2.4-2.8 fl oz | Need 2(ee) in NYS for use on spotted wing drosophila only. PHI is 7 days. |
OR | *NYAssail 30G | 4.5-5.3 oz | Need 2(ee) in NYS for use on spotted wing drosophila only. |
| OR | Drexel Malathion 5EC | 3 pts | Pre-harvest interval is 3 days. |
| OR | Malathion 8 Aquamul | 1.88 pts | All Drosophila. Pre-harvest interval is 3 days. |
| OR | *NY†Cyclaniliprole 50 SL | 22 fl oz | For spotted wing drosophila only. Use the high rate. Not to exceed total of 66 fl oz/A/yr (54 fl oz/A/yr in NY). |
| OR | *NY†Verdepryn 100SL | 11 fl oz | Not to exceed 33 fl oz/A/yr (27 fl oz/A/yr in NY) |
| OR | Grandevo WDG | 2-3 lb | Approved for organic use. Potential rotational partner with Entrust SC. Efficacy is fair. |
Multicolored Asian lady beetle | Multicolored Asian lady beetle adults may migrate into vineyards in the fall prior to harvest. Adults can feed on fruit, although the major concern is that adults will be inadvertently harvested. Chemicals produced by adults can taint the flavor of juice. Threshold is approximately 2 beetles per kg (2.2 lbs.) fruit. |
| | Evergreen | 6-12 oz | |
| OR | Aza-Direct | 1-2 pts | |
| OR | ^Venom | 1-3 oz | |
| OR | *Mustang Maxx | 4 fl oz | Maximum 24 fl oz *Mustang Maxx per season. |
| OR | *NYAdmire Pro | 1-1.4 fl oz (foliar application) | 2(ee) recommendation in NYS. |
* Federal restricted-use pesticide*NY Restricted-use pesticide in New York State |
† Not for use in Nassau/Suffolk Counties.^ Not registered for use in New York State at press time |
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