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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication

7.8 Drift Management Strategies

Before spraying:

  • Train the operator to use the sprayer correctly on your farm under your conditions.
  • Plan the spraying operation; consider the use of vineyard field work-cards, outlining the amount to be mixed/sprayed per block as a good management tool.
  • Read and follow the pesticide label.
  • Select the correct nozzle for the target. Adjust nozzle size and position to achieve correct distribution within the canopy, particularly as the growing season progresses.
  • Consider using sprayers that direct the spray to the target, such as towers and tunnels. Check that air deflectors are set properly to confine disturbance to the target.
  • Consider spray additives to reduce drift.
  • Improve spraying logistics to ensure adequate time to spray within 'ideal' conditions.
  • Only spray when weather conditions are ideal; avoid spraying when conditions are favorable for atmospheric inversion or wind drift.
  • Calibrate the sprayer with water to ensure that everything is working correctly.
  • Start planting windbreaks!

During spraying:

  • Stay alert: ensure the spray is not allowed to drift on to non-target areas and watch for changes in wind speed and direction.
  • Keep spray pressure as low as possible and ensure an accurate gauge is used.
  • If an automatic regulator is fitted, maintain a constant speed and pressure Remember, small increases in speed result in large increases in pressure. The delivered air and spray must be given time to penetrate the canopy.
  • Avoid spraying near sensitive crops/areas or water bodies; use a 50 to 100 feet buffer zone. Spray inwards with one side of the sprayer for at least 50 feet from the boundary to create a 'headland'.