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2024 Trees and Shrubs Table of Contents
2024 Cornell Pest Management G
1 Pesticide Information
1.1 Pesticide Classification a
1.2 Use Pesticides Properly
1.2.1 Plan Ahead
1.2.2 Move Pesticides Safely
1.2.3 Personal Protective Equi
1.2.4 Avoid Drift, Runoff, and
1.2.5 Avoid Equipment Accident
1.2.6 Pesticide Storage
1.3 Pollinator Protection
1.4 New York State Pesticide Use Restrictions
1.4.1 Restricted Use Pesticide
1.4.2 Additional Use Restricti
1.5 Verifying Pesticide Regist
1.6 Check Label for Site and P
1.7 Pesticide Recordkeeping/Reporting
1.7.1 New York State Reporting
1.7.2 New York State Recordkee
1.7.3 Federal Private Applicat
1.8 EPA Worker Protection Stan
1.9 Reduced-risk Pesticides, Minimum-risk Pesticides, and Biopesticides
1.9.1 Reduced-risk Pesticides
1.9.2 Minimum-risk Pesticides
1.9.3 Biopesticides
1.10 FIFRA 2(ee) Recommendatio
1.11 Neighbor Notification
1.12 Pesticide Use on School a
1.13 Toxicity and Hazards of Pesticides
1.13.1 Toxicity Ratings and Si
1.14 Handling Pesticides
2 Insect and Mite Pest Management of Trees and Shrubs
2.1 Introduction
2.2 How to Use the Insect and
2.3 About the Tables
2.4 Insect and Mite Control fo
2.5 Biorational Pest Management Tools and Tactics
2.5.1 ‘Biorational’ Controls
2.6 Insecticides
2.6.1 Insecticide Classes and
2.6.2 Phytotoxicity of Insecti
2.6.3 Timing Spray Application Calendar Method Growing Degree-Days (G
Figure 2.6.1. Growing degree-d Plant Phenological Ind
2.6.4 Formulations - How Insec
2.6.5 Systemic Insecticides Systemic Injection Tec
2.6.6 Imidacloprid Insecticide
2.6.7 Oil Sprays
Table 2.6.1. Optimum propertie
2.6.8 Storing Pesticides
2.6.9 Pesticide Adjuvants
2.6.10 Mist Blowers: Limitatio
Table 2.6.2. Effect of spray w
Table 2.6.3. Dilution rates fo
2.7 Insects and Mites Destructive to Woody Ornamentals
Table 2.7.1. Host plant guide
2.8 Pest Management Timing
2.9 Insect and Mite Pest Management
Table 2.9.1 Insect and mite ma
American plum borer (118), Euz
Apple blotch leafminer (90), P
Arborvitae leafminers (14), Ar
Azalea bark scale (160), Erioc
Azalea lace bug (204), Stephan
Azalea whitefly (151), Pealius
Bagworm (80, 81), Thyridoptery
Balsam gall midge (51), Paradi
Balsam twig aphid (33), Mindar
Balsam woolly adelgid (30), Ad
Beech blight aphid (see Woolly
Beech scale (158), Cryptococcu
Birch skeletonizer (102), Bucc
Black turpentine beetle (24),
Black vine weevil (112), Otior
Box tree moth (NA), Cydalima p
Boxelder bug (191), Boisea tri
Boxwood leafminers (94), Monar
Boxwood mite (229), Eurytetran
Boxwood psyllid (137), Psylla
Broad mite (NA), Polyphagotars
Bronze birch borer (128), Agri
Calico scale (169), Eulecanium
Cankerworms (63, 64), Alsophil
Cherry and hawthorn leafminer
Clover mite (228), Bryobia pra
Cooley spruce gall adelgid (49
Cottony camellia scale—see Cot
Cottony maple scales (162, 163
Cottony taxus scale (164), Chl
Cryptomeria scale (NA**), Aspi
Dogwood borer (123), Synanthed
Dogwood sawfly (55), Macremphy
Douglas-fir needle midge (15),
Eastern spruce gall adelgid (5
Eastern tent caterpillar (76),
Elm bark beetles (116), Scolyt
Elm casebearer (85), Coleophor
Elm leaf aphid (NA), Tinocalli
Elm leaf beetle (103), Pyrrhal
Elm leafminer (85), Fenusa ulm
Elongate hemlock scale (45**),
Emerald ash borer (NA), Agrilu
Eriophyid mites (54, 231-5), v
Euonymus scale (186**), Unaspi
European elm scale (176), Goss
European fruit lecanium (174),
European hornet (238), Vespa c
European pine sawfly (2), Neod
European pine shoot moth (17,1
European red mite (228), Panon
Fall webworm (75), Hyphantria
Fletcher scale (42), Parthenol
Forest tent caterpillar (76),
Fruittree leafroller (78, 99),
Golden oak scale (168), Astero
Greenstriped mapleworm (NA), D
Gypsy moth (see spongy moth)
Hackberry psylla (218), Pachyp
Hawthorn leafmining sawfly (se
Hemlock looper (5), Lambdina f
Hemlock rust mite (54), Nalepe
Hemlock scale (44**), Abgralla
Hemlock woolly adelgid (32), A
Hickory leaf stem gall phyllox
Holly leafminer (95), Phytomyz
Honeylocust plant bug (194), D
Honeylocust pod gall midge (22
Honeylocust spider mite (228),
Honeysuckle aphid (149), Hyada
Imported willow leaf beetle (1
Japanese beetle (110), Popilli
Japanese maple scale (NA**), L
Japanese weevil—see Twobanded
Juniper scale (46**), Carulasp
Juniper webworm (8), Dichomeri
Kermes oak scales (174), Allok
Lace bugs (204-206), Corythuch
Larch casebearer (11), Coleoph
Larch sawfly (1), Pristophora
Leafhoppers (198-201), several
Lecanium scales—see European f
Lesser peachtree borer (121),
Lilac borer (122), Podosesia s
Lilac leafminer (90), Caloptil
Linden looper (64), Erannis ti
Linden spider mite (NA), Eotet
Locust borer (129), Megacyllen
Locust leafminer (87), Odontot
Magnolia scale (169), Neolecan
Maple bladdergall mite (232),
Maple trumpet skeletonizer (98
Maskell scale (NA**), Lepidosa
Mimosa webworm (82), Homadaula
Mountain-ash sawfly (56), Pris
Nantucket pine tip moth (17, 1
Native holly leafminer (95), P
Northern pine weevil (NA), Pis
Oak blotch leafminers (88, 90)
Oak leaf or twig galls (212-21
Oak leaftier (78), Croesia sem
Oak skeletonizer (102), Buccul
Oak spider mite (228), Oligony
Orangestriped oakworm (70), An
Oriental beetle (NA), Exomala
Oystershell scale (177**), Lep
Pales weevil (21), Hylobius pa
Peachtree borer (121), Synanth
Pearleaf blister mite (234), P
Periodical cicada (236), Magic
Pine bark adelgid (31), Pineus
Pine needleminer (13), Exotele
Pine needle scale (47**), Chio
Pine root collar weevil (NA),
Pine sawflies (1-3), Diprion a
Pine shoot beetle (NA), Tomicu
Pine spittlebugs (36), Aphroph
Pine tip moths—see European pi
Pine tortoise scale (41), Toum
Pine tube moth (16), Argyrotae
Pine webspinning sawflies (NA)
Pine webworm (4), Pococera rob
Pitch twig moth (29), Petrova
Poplar-and-willow borer (126),
Privet rust mite (231), Aculus
Privet thrips (208), Dendrothr
Redbanded leafroller (99), Arg
Redheaded flea beetle (NA), Sy
Rhododendron borer (121), Syna
Rhododendron gall midge (227),
Rhododendron stem borer (123B
Rose chafer (110), Macrodactyl
Roseslugs (58), Endelomyia aet
Roundheaded apple tree borer (
Rust mites (54), eriophyid mit
San Jose scale (185**), Quadra
Sassafras weevil (97), Odontop
Satin moth (71), Leucoma salic
Slugs and snails (240), Limax,
Snowball aphid (142), Neocerur
Southern pine beetle (25), Den
Southern red mite (229), Oligo
Spongy moth (formerly gypsy mo
Spotted lanternfly (NA), Lycor
Spruce bud scale (41), Physoke
Spruce budworm (7), Choristone
Spruce needleminers (9), Endot
Spruce spider mite (52), Oligo
Sugar maple borer (130), Glyco
Taxus bud mite (230), Cecidoph
Taxus mealybug (37), Dysmicocc
Tent caterpillars—see Eastern
Tuliptree aphid (138), Illinoi
Tuliptree scale (173), Touymey
Tussock moths (71), Halysidota
Twig pruners (124), Anelaphus
Twobanded Japanese weevil (114
Twospotted spider mite (228-22
Viburnum leaf beetle (104), Py
Walnut blister mite (235), Ace
Walnut caterpillar (67), Datan
White pine aphid (NA), Cinara
White pine weevil (20), Pissod
White prunicola scale (188**),
Willow flea weevil (87), Rhync
Willow twig aphids (147), Tube
Woolly beech aphids (140), Gry
Woolly elm aphid (145), Erioso
Woolly larch adelgid (32), Ade
Zimmerman pine moth (NA), Dior
2.10 Registered Insecticides and Acaricides
Abamectin (6) - Fluvalinate (3
Gamma-Cyhalothrin (3A) - Z-Tetradec-7-en-2-one
Table 2.10.1. Insecticides and
Symbols Used: * = Restricted u
3 Disease Management for Trees and Shrubs
3.1 General Measures for Disea
3.2 Nursery Hygiene
3.3 Diseases of General Importance or Occurrence
3.3.1 Crown Gall
Table 3.3.1. Provisional List
3.3.2 Verticillium Wilt
3.3.3 Shoestring Root Rot
3.3.4 Powdery Mildew
3.3.5 Chlorosis Caused by Mang
3.3.6 Cutting Rots Caused by S
3.4 Disease Control
Catalpa (catalpa)
Celtis (hackberry)
Cercis (redbud)
3.5 Fungicide Information
Table 3.5.1. Some fungicides,
Pyraclostrobin (11) + Boscalid
Thiabendazole Hypophosphite (1
Thiophanate-Methyl (1)
Thiophanate-Methyl (1) + Iprod
Triadimefon (3)
Trichoderma (T. harzianum var.
Trifloxystrobin (11)
4 Weed Management in Nursery Crops
4.1 Establishing a Weed Management Program
4.1.1 The Need for a Weed Mana
4.1.2 Weed Identification
4.1.3 Weed Scouting
4.1.4 Weed Management Options
4.1.5 A Few Terms Used in Weed
4.1.6 Herbicide Formulations a
4.2 Controlling Weeds before Planting
4.2.1 Preplant Treatment with
4.3 Weed Management Strategies in Growing Crops
4.3.1 Postplant Perennial Weed
4.3.2 Postplant Annual Weed Co
4.3.3 Herbicide Combinations
4.3.4 Seedling Weeds in Establ
4.3.5 Seedling Weeds in Contai
4.3.6 Weeds Around Container P
4.3.7 Controlling Weeds in Adj
4.3.8 After Treatments are App
4.4 Herbicides and Cover Crop
4.5 Nonchemical Methods of Wee
4.6 Activated Charcoal for Con
4.7 Herbicide Resistance
4.8 Description and Characteristics of Herbicides Registered for Nursery and Landscape Use
Acclaim Extra
Basagran T&O
*BroadStar, *SureGuard
Casoron, Barrier
Diquat SPC 2L
*Envoy Plus, others
†Finale XL T&O
Fusilade II, Ornamec
Goal 2XL, GoalTender
*FGramoxone SL 3.0
*Kerb SCT&O, Kerb SC
*†Lontrel, *†Stinger
*†Marengo, *†Specticle Flo, *†
Pendulum, *Corral
*†Pennant Magnum
*†Princep, *†Princep Caliber 9
*Ronstar G, *Ronstar Flo
Roundup Pro, Roundup ProMax, o
Scythe, others
SedgeHammer, SedgeHammer+, Oth
Segment II
Surflan, Surflan Flex
Treflan 5G, others
Surflan XL 2G
4.9 Weed Susceptibilities to Herbicides
Table 4.9.1. Weed susceptibili
Table 4.9.1. Weed susceptibili
Table 4.9.2. Weed susceptibili
Table 4.9.2. Weed susceptibili
4.10. Registered Herbicides
Table 4.10.1 Herbicides regist
Table 4.10.2. Herbicides regis
Table 4.10.3. Selected Approve
4.11 Scientific Name Cross-references
Table 4.11.1. Cross-reference
Table 4.11.2. Cross-reference
5 Vertebrate Pest Management
5.1 Integrated Pest Management
5.2 Nonchemical Wildlife Damage Management Alternatives
5.2.1 Exclusion
5.2.2 Habitat Modification
5.2.3 Population Reduction
5.3 Control of Rodent Damage to Nursery and Landscape Plants
5.3.1 Rodent Control in Field
5.4 Repellents for Deer and Rabbits
Table 5.3.1. Pesticides for ma
5.5 Rodent Control in Buildings and Other Structures
5.5.1 Pest Species
5.5.2 Feeding Behavior
5.5.3 Determining the Presence
5.5.4 Long-Term Population Sup
5.5.5 Rodenticides for Structu
Tips for Laundering Pesticide-
Crop and Pest Management Guidelines
A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
Cornell Guidelines
2024 Trees and Shrubs Table of Contents
Trees and Shrubs Table of Contents
2024 Trees and Shrubs Table of Contents
2024 Cornell Pest Management Guide for Commercial Production and Maintenance of Trees and Shrubs
1 Pesticide Information
1.1 Pesticide Classification and Certification
1.2 Use Pesticides Properly
1.2.1 Plan Ahead
1.2.2 Move Pesticides Safely
1.2.3 Personal Protective Equipment and Engineering Controls
1.2.4 Avoid Drift, Runoff, and Spills
1.2.5 Avoid Equipment Accidents
1.2.6 Pesticide Storage
1.3 Pollinator Protection
1.4 New York State Pesticide Use Restrictions
1.4.1 Restricted Use Pesticides
1.4.2 Additional Use Restrictions
1.5 Verifying Pesticide Registration
1.6 Check Label for Site and Pest
1.7 Pesticide Recordkeeping/Reporting
1.7.1 New York State Reporting Requirements
1.7.2 New York State Recordkeeping Requirements
1.7.3 Federal Private Applicator Recordkeeping Requirements
1.8 EPA Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Agricultural Pesticides
1.9 Reduced-risk Pesticides, Minimum-risk Pesticides, and Biopesticides
1.9.1 Reduced-risk Pesticides
1.9.2 Minimum-risk Pesticides
1.9.3 Biopesticides
1.10 FIFRA 2(ee) Recommendations
1.11 Neighbor Notification
1.12 Pesticide Use on School and Day Care Center Grounds
1.13 Toxicity and Hazards of Pesticides
1.13.1 Toxicity Ratings and Signal Words on Pesticide Labels
1.14 Handling Pesticides
2 Insect and Mite Pest Management of Trees and Shrubs
2.1 Introduction
2.2 How to Use the Insect and Mite Chapter
2.3 About the Tables
2.4 Insect and Mite Control for Propagation Ranges, Greenhouses, and Perennials
2.5 Biorational Pest Management Tools and Tactics
2.5.1 ‘Biorational’ Controls
2.6 Insecticides
2.6.1 Insecticide Classes and Modes of Action
2.6.2 Phytotoxicity of Insecticides
2.6.3 Timing Spray Applications Calendar Method Growing Degree-Days (GDD)
Figure 2.6.1. Growing degree-day (GDD) table; base 50°F.1 Plant Phenological Indicators (PPI)
2.6.4 Formulations - How Insecticides Are Sold
2.6.5 Systemic Insecticides Systemic Injection Techniques
2.6.6 Imidacloprid Insecticides: Best Management Practices for Soil Application
2.6.7 Oil Sprays
Table 2.6.1. Optimum properties of representative narrow-range (paraffinic) spray oils available in the US.
2.6.8 Storing Pesticides
2.6.9 Pesticide Adjuvants
2.6.10 Mist Blowers: Limitations of Low-Volume Spray Equipment
Table 2.6.2. Effect of spray water pH on some commonly used insecticides.
Table 2.6.3. Dilution rates for mist blowers
2.7 Insects and Mites Destructive to Woody Ornamentals
Table 2.7.1. Host plant guide to insect names: an aid to diagnosis and identification
2.8 Pest Management Timing
2.9 Insect and Mite Pest Management
Table 2.9.1 Insect and mite management1
American plum borer (118), Euzophera semifuneralis (moth)
Apple blotch leafminer (90), Phyllonorycter crataegella (moth)
Arborvitae leafminers (14), Argyresthia sp. (moth)
Azalea bark scale (160), Eriococcus azaleae (felt scale)
Azalea lace bug (204), Stephanitis pyrioides see Lace bugs
Azalea whitefly (151), Pealius azaleae
Bagworm (80, 81), Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (moth)
Balsam gall midge (51), Paradiplosis tumifex
Balsam twig aphid (33), Mindarus abietinus
Balsam woolly adelgid (30), Adelges piceae
Beech blight aphid (see Woolly beech aphids)
Beech scale (158), Cryptococcus fagisuga (bark crevice scale)
Birch skeletonizer (102), Bucculatrix canadensisella (leaf-feeding caterpillar)
Black turpentine beetle (24), Dendroctonus terebrans (scolytid bark beetle)
Black vine weevil (112), Otiorhynchus sulcatus
Box tree moth (NA), Cydalima perspectalis
Boxelder bug (191), Boisea trivittata
Boxwood leafminers (94), Monarthropalpus flavus (fly larva)
Boxwood mite (229), Eurytetranychus buxi (spider mite)
Boxwood psyllid (137), Psylla buxi
Broad mite (NA), Polyphagotarsonemus latus (tarsonemid mite)
Bronze birch borer (128), Agrilus anxius (beetle, flatheaded borer)
Calico scale (169), Eulecanium cerasorum (soft scale)
Cankerworms (63, 64), Alsophila pometaria, Paleacrita vernata (moths)
Cherry and hawthorn leafminer (86), Profenusa canadensis (sawfly)
Clover mite (228), Bryobia praetiosa
Cooley spruce gall adelgid (49), Adelges cooleyi
Cottony camellia scale—see Cottony taxus scale
Cottony maple scales (162, 163), Pulvinaria innumerabilis and P. acericola (soft scales)
Cottony taxus scale (164), Chloropulvinaria floccifera (soft scale)
Cryptomeria scale (NA**), Aspidiotus cryptomeriae (armored scale)
Dogwood borer (123), Synanthedon scitula (moth, clearwing borer)
Dogwood sawfly (55), Macremphytus tarsatus
Douglas-fir needle midge (15), Contarinia pseudotsugae
Eastern spruce gall adelgid (50), Adelges abietis
Eastern tent caterpillar (76), Malacosoma americanum (moth)
Elm bark beetles (116), Scolytus multistriatus (smaller European EBB), Hylurgopinus rufipes (native EBB) (scolytid bark beetles)
Elm casebearer (85), Coleophora ulmifoliella (moth)
Elm leaf aphid (NA), Tinocallis ulmifolii
Elm leaf beetle (103), Pyrrhalta luteola (chrysomelid or leaf-feeding beetle)
Elm leafminer (85), Fenusa ulmi (sawfly)
Elongate hemlock scale (45**), Fiorinia externa (armored scale)
Emerald ash borer (NA), Agrilus planipennis (beetle, flatheaded borer)
Eriophyid mites (54, 231-5), various species
Euonymus scale (186**), Unaspis euonymi (armored scale)
European elm scale (176), Gossyparia spuria (felt scale)
European fruit lecanium (174), Parthenolecanium corni (soft scale)
European hornet (238), Vespa crabro germana (wasp)
European pine sawfly (2), Neodiprion sertifer
European pine shoot moth (17,18), Rhyacionia buoliana
European red mite (228), Panonychus ulmi (spider mite)
Fall webworm (75), Hyphantria cunea (moth)
Fletcher scale (42), Parthenolecanium fletcheri (soft scale)
Forest tent caterpillar (76), Malacosoma disstria (moth)
Fruittree leafroller (78, 99), Archips argyrospila (moth)
Golden oak scale (168), Asterolecanium variolosum (pit scale)
Greenstriped mapleworm (NA), Dryocampa rubicunda (moth)
Gypsy moth (see spongy moth)
Hackberry psylla (218), Pachypsylla spp.
Hawthorn leafmining sawfly (see Cherry and hawthorn leafminer)
Hemlock looper (5), Lambdina fiscellaria (moth)
Hemlock rust mite (54), Nalepella tsugifolia (eriophyid mite)
Hemlock scale (44**), Abgrallaspis ithacae (armored scale)
Hemlock woolly adelgid (32), Adelges tsugae
Hickory leaf stem gall phylloxera (222), Phylloxera caryaecaulis
Holly leafminer (95), Phytomyza ilicis (fly)
Honeylocust plant bug (194), Diaphnocoris chlorionis
Honeylocust pod gall midge (225), Dasineura gleditschiae (fly)
Honeylocust spider mite (228), Platytetranychus multidigituli
Honeysuckle aphid (149), Hyadaphis tataricae (also see aphids)
Imported willow leaf beetle (106), Plagiodera versicolora (chrysomelid or leaf-feeding beetle)
Japanese beetle (110), Popillia japonica (scarab beetle, white grub)
Japanese maple scale (NA**), Lopholeucaspis japonica(armored scale)
Japanese weevil—see Twobanded Japanese weevil
Juniper scale (46**), Carulaspis juniperi (armored scale)
Juniper webworm (8), Dichomeris marginella (moth)
Kermes oak scales (174), Allokermes spp. (Kermesid or gall-like scales)
Lace bugs (204-206), Corythucha spp.; Stephanitis spp.
Larch casebearer (11), Coleophora laricella (moth)
Larch sawfly (1), Pristophora erichsonii
Leafhoppers (198-201), several species
Lecanium scales—see European fruit tree lecanium
Lesser peachtree borer (121), Synanthedon pictipes (moth, clearwing borer)
Lilac borer (122), Podosesia syringae (moth, clearwing borer)
Lilac leafminer (90), Caloptilia syringella (moth)
Linden looper (64), Erannis tiliaria (moth)
Linden spider mite (NA), Eotetranychus tiliarium (spider mite)
Locust borer (129), Megacyllene robiniae (longhorned beetle, roundheaded borer)
Locust leafminer (87), Odontota dorsalis (beetle)
Magnolia scale (169), Neolecanium cornuparvum (soft scale)
Maple bladdergall mite (232), Vasates quadripedes (eriophyid mite)
Maple trumpet skeletonizer (98), Catastega aceriella (moth)
Maskell scale (NA**), Lepidosaphes pallida (armored scale)
Mimosa webworm (82), Homadaula anisocentra (moth)
Mountain-ash sawfly (56), Pristiphora geniculata
Nantucket pine tip moth (17, 18), Rhyacionia frustrana
Native holly leafminer (95), Phytomyza ilicicola (fly)
Northern pine weevil (NA), Pissodes approximatus
Oak blotch leafminers (88, 90), Cameraria spp., Tischeria spp. (moth)
Oak leaf or twig galls (212-216), many species (gall wasps and gall midges)
Oak leaftier (78), Croesia semipurpurana (moth)
Oak skeletonizer (102), Bucculatrix ainsliella (moth)
Oak spider mite (228), Oligonychus bicolor
Orangestriped oakworm (70), Anisota senatoria (moth)
Oriental beetle (NA), Exomala orientalis (scarab beetle, white grub)
Oystershell scale (177**), Lepidosaphes ulmi (armored scale)
Pales weevil (21), Hylobius pales
Peachtree borer (121), Synanthedon exitiosa (moth, clearwing borer)
Pearleaf blister mite (234), Phytoptus pyri (eriophyid mite)
Periodical cicada (236), Magicicada septendecim
Pine bark adelgid (31), Pineus strobi
Pine needleminer (13), Exoteleia pinifoliella (moth)
Pine needle scale (47**), Chionaspis pinifoliae (armored scale)
Pine root collar weevil (NA), Hylobius radicis
Pine sawflies (1-3), Diprion and Neodiprion spp.
Pine shoot beetle (NA), Tomicus piniperda (scolytid bark beetle)
Pine spittlebugs (36), Aphrophora cribrata, A. saratogensis
Pine tip moths—see European pine shoot moth and Nantucket pine tip moth.
Pine tortoise scale (41), Toumeyella parvicornis (soft scale)
Pine tube moth (16), Argyrotaenia pinatubana
Pine webspinning sawflies (NA) (Acantholyda and Cephalcia spp.)
Pine webworm (4), Pococera robustella (moth)
Pitch twig moth (29), Petrova comstockiana
Poplar-and-willow borer (126), Cryptorhynchus lapathi (weevil)
Privet rust mite (231), Aculus ligustri (eriophyid mite)
Privet thrips (208), Dendrothrips ornatus
Redbanded leafroller (99), Argyrotaenia velutinana (moth)
Redheaded flea beetle (NA), Systena frontalis (chrysomelid or leaf-feeding beetle)
Rhododendron borer (121), Synanthedon rhododendri (moth, clearwing borer)
Rhododendron gall midge (227), Clinodiplosis rhododendri (fly)
Rhododendron stem borer (123B similar), Oberea myops (longhorned beetle, roundheaded/twig borer)
Rose chafer (110), Macrodactylus subspinosus (scarab beetle)
Roseslugs (58), Endelomyia aethiops, Allantus cinctus (sawflies)
Roundheaded apple tree borer (131), Saperda candida (longhorned beetle, roundheaded borer)
Rust mites (54), eriophyid mites, several species
San Jose scale (185**), Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (armored scale)
Sassafras weevil (97), Odontopus calceatus (magnolia or yellow poplar weevil)
Satin moth (71), Leucoma salicis (leaf-feeding caterpillar, tussock moth)
Slugs and snails (240), Limax, Deroceras, and others
Snowball aphid (142), Neoceruraphis viburnicola
Southern pine beetle (25), Dendroctonus frontalis (scolytid bark beetle)
Southern red mite (229), Oligonychus ilicis (spider mite)
Spongy moth (formerly gypsy moth) (61, 62), Lymantria dispar
Spotted lanternfly (NA), Lycorma delicatula, (fulgorid planthopper)
Spruce bud scale (41), Physokermes piceae (soft scale)
Spruce budworm (7), Choristoneura fumiferana (moth)
Spruce needleminers (9), Endothenia albolineana, Epinotia nanana (moths)
Spruce spider mite (52), Oligonychus ununguis
Sugar maple borer (130), Glycobius speciosus (beetle)
Taxus bud mite (230), Cecidophyopsis psilaspis (eriophyid mite)
Taxus mealybug (37), Dysmicoccus wistariae
Tent caterpillars—see Eastern tent and Forest tent caterpillars.
Tuliptree aphid (138), Illinoia liriodendri
Tuliptree scale (173), Touymeyella liriodendri (soft scale)
Tussock moths (71), Halysidota tessellaris; Orgyia leucostigma (moths)
Twig pruners (124), Anelaphus parallelus and A. villosus (longhorned beetles, roundheaded borers)
Twobanded Japanese weevil (114), Callirhopalus bifasciatus
Twospotted spider mite (228-229 similar), Tetranychus urticae
Viburnum leaf beetle (104), Pyrrhalta viburni (chrysomelid or leaf-feeding beetle)
Walnut blister mite (235), Aceria erinea (eriophyid mite)
Walnut caterpillar (67), Datana integerrima (moth)
White pine aphid (NA), Cinara strobi
White pine weevil (20), Pissodes strobi
White prunicola scale (188**), Pseudaulacaspis prunicola (armored scale)
Willow flea weevil (87), Rhynchaenus rufipes
Willow twig aphids (147), Tuberolachnus salignus, Pterocomma smithiae
Woolly beech aphids (140), Grylloprociphilus imbricator, Phyllaphis fagi
Woolly elm aphid (145), Eriosoma americanum
Woolly larch adelgid (32), Adelges laricis
Zimmerman pine moth (NA), Dioryctria zimmermani
2.10 Registered Insecticides and Acaricides
Abamectin (6) - Fluvalinate (3A) + Abamectin (6) + Piperonyl Butoxide (PBO)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin (3A) - Z-Tetradec-7-en-2-one
Table 2.10.1. Insecticides and acaricides registered for ornamental trees and shrubs
Symbols Used: * = Restricted use pesticide; *F = Indicates a federally restricted use pesticide. † = Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
3 Disease Management for Trees and Shrubs
3.1 General Measures for Disease Prevention
3.2 Nursery Hygiene
3.3 Diseases of General Importance or Occurrence
3.3.1 Crown Gall
Table 3.3.1. Provisional List of Woody Plant Genera Not Susceptible to Crown Gall
3.3.2 Verticillium Wilt
3.3.3 Shoestring Root Rot
3.3.4 Powdery Mildew
3.3.5 Chlorosis Caused by Manganese or Iron Deficiency
3.3.6 Cutting Rots Caused by Several Species of Fungi
3.4 Disease Control
Catalpa (catalpa)
Celtis (hackberry)
Cercis (redbud)
3.5 Fungicide Information
Table 3.5.1. Some fungicides, bactericides, and nematicides registered for use on trees and shrubs in New York State
Pyraclostrobin (11) + Boscalid (7)
Thiabendazole Hypophosphite (1)
Thiophanate-Methyl (1)
Thiophanate-Methyl (1) + Iprodione (2)
Triadimefon (3)
Trichoderma (T. harzianum var. Rifai and/or T. virens) (NC)
Trifloxystrobin (11)
4 Weed Management in Nursery Crops
4.1 Establishing a Weed Management Program
4.1.1 The Need for a Weed Management Program
4.1.2 Weed Identification
4.1.3 Weed Scouting
4.1.4 Weed Management Options
4.1.5 A Few Terms Used in Weed Control
4.1.6 Herbicide Formulations and Abbreviations
4.2 Controlling Weeds before Planting
4.2.1 Preplant Treatment with Glyphosate
4.3 Weed Management Strategies in Growing Crops
4.3.1 Postplant Perennial Weed Control
4.3.2 Postplant Annual Weed Control
4.3.3 Herbicide Combinations
4.3.4 Seedling Weeds in Established Plantings
4.3.5 Seedling Weeds in Containers
4.3.6 Weeds Around Container Plants
4.3.7 Controlling Weeds in Adjacent Uncropped Areas
4.3.8 After Treatments are Applied
4.4 Herbicides and Cover Crop Establishment
4.5 Nonchemical Methods of Weed Control
4.6 Activated Charcoal for Controlling Residues
4.7 Herbicide Resistance
4.8 Description and Characteristics of Herbicides Registered for Nursery and Landscape Use
Acclaim Extra
Basagran T&O
*BroadStar, *SureGuard
Casoron, Barrier
Diquat SPC 2L
*Envoy Plus, others
†Finale XL T&O
Fusilade II, Ornamec
Goal 2XL, GoalTender
*FGramoxone SL 3.0
*Kerb SCT&O, Kerb SC
*†Lontrel, *†Stinger
*†Marengo, *†Specticle Flo, *†Specticle G, *†Marengo G
Pendulum, *Corral
*†Pennant Magnum
*†Princep, *†Princep Caliber 90, *Simazine Flowable, others
*Ronstar G, *Ronstar Flo
Roundup Pro, Roundup ProMax, others
Scythe, others
SedgeHammer, SedgeHammer+, Others
Segment II
Surflan, Surflan Flex
Treflan 5G, others
Surflan XL 2G
4.9 Weed Susceptibilities to Herbicides
Table 4.9.1. Weed susceptibilities to PREemergence herbicides – Broadleaves
Table 4.9.1. Weed susceptibilities to PREemergence herbicides – Grasses
Table 4.9.2. Weed susceptibilities to POSTemergence herbicides - Broadleaves
Table 4.9.2. Weed susceptibilities to POSTemergence herbicides - Grasses and Sedges
4.10. Registered Herbicides
Table 4.10.1 Herbicides registered for use on ornamentals in New York
Table 4.10.2. Herbicides registered for landscape use in New York State
Table 4.10.3. Selected Approved Uses in NYS Under FIFRA Section 2(ee) Recommendations
4.11 Scientific Name Cross-references
Table 4.11.1. Cross-reference for ornamental scientific names
Table 4.11.2. Cross-reference for weed scientific names
5 Vertebrate Pest Management
5.1 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
5.2 Nonchemical Wildlife Damage Management Alternatives
5.2.1 Exclusion
5.2.2 Habitat Modification
5.2.3 Population Reduction
5.3 Control of Rodent Damage to Nursery and Landscape Plants
5.3.1 Rodent Control in Field Situations
5.4 Repellents for Deer and Rabbits
Table 5.3.1. Pesticides for management of rodent damage to nursery and landscape plants
5.5 Rodent Control in Buildings and Other Structures
5.5.1 Pest Species
5.5.2 Feeding Behavior
5.5.3 Determining the Presence of Rodents
5.5.4 Long-Term Population Suppression
5.5.5 Rodenticides for Structural Use
Tips for Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing
2024 Cornell Pest Management Guide for Commercial Production and Maintenance of Trees and Shrubs