443302.7 Insects and Mites Destructive to Woody Ornamentals
The following table lists some of the common or key insect and mite pests of woody ornamentals. Look under the host plant involved and find the correct common name of the pest. Check Tables 2.9.1 and 2.10.1 for monitoring and
management information. Numbers following the insect name indicate where additional information can be found in Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs, second edition. Illustrations (plate numbers) are in boldface type. Book is available from Cornell University Press, 800-848-6224 (U.S. & Canada) or at www.cornellpress.cornell.edu.
44331Table 2.7.1. Host plant guide to insect names: an aid to diagnosis and identification |
Plant | Pest | Page No. | Plate No. |
Andromeda | azalea bark scale | 336 | 160 |
| azalea whitefly | 318 | 151 |
| lace bugs | 424 | 204 |
Apple (flowering crab) | aphids | 296, 300, 316 | 150 |
| cankerworms | 142, 44 | 63, 64 |
| leafhoppers | 412-418 | 216-218 |
| leafrollers | 172 | 100, 101 |
| oystershell scale | 370 | 177 |
| redbanded leafroller | 214 | |
| roundheaded appletree borer | 278 | 131 |
Arborvitae | arborvitae leafminer | 142 | 14 |
| arborvitae weevil | 240 | 244 |
| bagworm | 176 | 80 |
| black vine weevil | 240 | 112, 113 |
| Fletcher scale | 98 | 42 |
| gypsy moth | 138, 140 | 61, 62 |
| hemlock looper | 24 | |
| juniper scale | 106 | 46 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 52, 53 |
Ash | blackheaded ash sawfly | 134 | 59 |
| lace bugs | 426 | |
| lilac/ash borer | 260 | 122 |
| oystershell scale | 370 | 177 |
Azalea | azalea bark scale | 336 | 160 |
| azalea leafminer | 202 | 93 |
| azalea whitefly | 318 | 151 |
| black vine weevil | 240 | 112, 113 |
| fruittree leafroller (azalea leaftier) | 172 | |
| lace bugs | 424 | 204 |
| rhododendron borer | 258, | 121 |
| rhododendron stem borer | 288 | |
| southern red mite | 475 | 229 |
| twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
Barberry | twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
Beech | aphids | 296, 310 | 140, 147 |
| cankerworms | 142-144 | 63, 64 |
| woolly beech aphid | 296 | 140 |
Birch (white, gray, yellow, and European white) | aphids | 296, 310 | 140, 147 |
birch leafminer | 184 | 84 |
| birch skeletonizer | 220 | |
| bronze birch borer | 272 | 128 |
| European hornet | 494 | 238 |
| potato leafhopper | 414 | 199 |
Bittersweet | euonymus scale | 388 | 186 |
Boxwood | boxwood leafminer | 204 | 94 |
| boxwood mite | 475 | 229 |
| boxwood psyllid | 290 | 137 |
Butternut | butternut gall mite | 488 | 235 |
| walnut caterpillar | 150 | 67 |
Cedar | arborvitae weevil | 240, 244 | 244 |
| bagworm | 176 | 80 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 52, 53 |
Cherry (Wild) and Chokecherry | eastern tent caterpillar | 168 | 76 |
fruittree leafroller | 172 | |
Cotoneaster | lace bugs | 426 | |
| oystershell scale | 370 | 177 |
Deutzia | twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
Dogwood | cottony maple leaf scale | 342-346 | 163, 165 |
| dogwood borer | 262 | 123 |
| dogwood sawfly | 126 | 55 |
Douglas-Fir | Cooley spruce gall adelgid | 112 | 49, 76 |
| Douglas-fir needle midge | 44 | 15 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 52, 53 |
Elm | bark beetles | 246-248 | 115, 116 |
| cankerworms | 142-144 | 63, 64 |
| clover mite | 472 | |
| elm case bearers | 186 | 85 |
| elm cockscomb gall aphid | 464 | 224 |
| elm leaf beetle | 220 | 103 |
| elm leafminer | 186 | 85 |
| European elm scale | 368 | 176 |
| European red mite | 472 | 228 |
| forest tent caterpillar | 168 | 76 |
| gypsy moth | 138-140 | 61, 62 |
| lecanium scales | 354, 364, 169 | 174 |
| linden looper | 144 | 64 |
| twig pruner | 264 | 124 |
| twospotted spider mite | 476 | |
| woolly elm aphid | 306, 316 | 145 |
Euonymus | black vine weevil | 240 | 112, 113 |
| euonymus scale | 388 | 186 |
| twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
Fir | balsam gall midge | 116 | 51 |
| balsam twig aphid | 80 | 33 |
| balsam woolly adelgid | 74 | 30 |
| spruce budworm | 28 | 7 |
Flowering Fruits (cherry, peach, almond) | aphids | 292, 300, 308 | |
cankerworms | 142, 144 | 63, 64 |
| European red mite | 472 | 228 |
| fall webworm | 166 | 75 |
| Japanese beetle | 236 | 110 |
| leafrollers | 172, 216-218 | 100, 101 |
| lecanium scales | 354, 364 | 169, 174 |
| peachtree borers | 258 | 121 |
| roundheaded appletree borer | 278 | 131 |
| twospotted spider mite | 476 | |
white prunicola scale | 392 | 188 |
Hackberry | hackberry psylla | 450, 452 | 217, 218 |
| twig pruner | 264 | 124 |
Hawthorn | apple blotch leafminer | 196 | |
| cherry and hawthorn leafminer | 188 | 86 |
| lace bugs | 426 | 205 |
| pear sawfly | 130 | 57 |
Hemlock | elongate hemlock scale | 104 | 45 |
| hemlock looper | 24 | |
| hemlock rust mite | 122 | 54 |
| hemlock scale | 102 | 44 |
| spruce budworm | 28 | 7 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 51, 53 |
Hickory | hickory leaf stem gall phylloxera | 460 | 222 |
| twig pruner | 264 | 124 |
| walnut caterpillar | 150 | 67 |
Holly | cottony scales | 342-346 | 163, 164 |
| holly leafminers | 206-208 | 95 |
| southern red mite | 475 | 229 |
| twig pruner | 264 | 124 |
Honeylocust | honeylocust plant bug | 404 | 194 |
| honeylocust podgall midge | 466 | 225 |
| honeylocust spider mite | 474 | 228 |
Honeysuckle | clover mite | 472 | |
| honeysuckle aphid | 314 | 149 |
Juniper | arborvitae leafminer | 42 | 14 |
| arborvitae weevil | 240, 244 | |
| bagworm | 176 | 80 |
| juniper scale | 106 | 46 |
| juniper webworm | 30 | 8 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 52, 53 |
Larch | larch casebearer | 36 | 11 |
| larch sawfly | 18 | 1 |
| spruce budworm | 28 | 7 |
| woolly larch adelgid | 78 | 32 |
Lilac | European hornet | 494 | 238 |
| lilac/ash borer | 260 | 122 |
| lilac leafminer | 196 | 90 |
| oystershell scale | 370 | 177 |
| twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
| white prunicola scale | 392 | 188 |
Linden | aphids | 302, 310 | 110 |
| cankerworms | 142, 144 | 63, 64 |
| gypsy moth | 138, 140 | 61, 62 |
| Japanese beetle | 236 | 110 |
| lace bugs | 426 | 205 |
| linden looper | 144 | 64 |
| twospotted spider mite | 476 | |
Locust, Black | locust borer | 274 | 129 |
| locust leafminer | 190 | 87 |
London Plane Tree | American plum borer | 252 | 118 |
| lecanium scales | 354, 364 | 169, 174 |
| sycamore lace bug | 428 | 206 |
| sycamore plant bug | 400 | 192 |
Magnolia | magnolia scale | 354 | 169 |
| sassafras weevil | 210 | 97 |
Maples | aphids | 304 | 144 |
| cottony maple leaf scale | 342-346 | 163, 165 |
| cottony maple scale | 340 | 162 |
| greenstriped mapleworm | 156 | |
| gypsy moth | 138-140 | 61, 62 |
| lecanium scales | 364 | 174 |
| linden looper | 144 | 164 |
| maple gall mite | 482 | 232 |
| maple petiole borer | 200 | 92 |
| potato leafhopper | 414 | 199 |
| sugar maple borer | 276 | 130 |
| tent caterpillar | 168 | 76 |
| twig pruner | 264 | 124 |
Mountain Ash | European red mite | 472 | 228 |
| lace bugs | 426 | 205 |
| mountain ash sawfly | 128 | 56 |
| pear sawfly | 130 | 57 |
Mountain Laurel | mulberry whitefly | 324 | |
| rhododendron borer | 258 | 121 |
| rhododendron stem borer | 288 | |
Oak | aphids | 310 | |
| cankerworms | 142, 144 | 63, 64 |
| golden oak scale | 352 | 168 |
| gypsy moth | 138-140 | 61, 62 |
| kermes oak scales | 364-366 | 174 |
| lace bugs | 426 | |
| lecanium scales | 364 | 174 |
| linden looper | 144 | 64 |
| oak galls | 440-448 | 212-216 |
| oak leafminers | 192, 196 | 88 |
| oak leaftier | 214 | 99 |
| oak skeletonizer | 20 | 102 |
| oak spider mite | 475 | 228 |
| orangestriped oakworm | 156 | 70 |
| tent caterpillars | 168 | 56 |
| twig pruner | 264 | 124 |
Pachysandra | euonymus scale | 388 | 186 |
Pine | aphids | 84 | 35 |
| black turpentine beetle | 62 | 24 |
| European pine shoot moth | 48 | 17, 18 |
| gypsy moth | 138-140 | 61, 62 |
| Nantucket pine tip moth | 48, 50 | 17, 18 |
| pales weevil | 56 | 21 |
| pine bark adelgid | 76 | 31 |
| pine eriophyid mites | 122 | |
| pine needleminer | 38, 40 | 12, 13 |
| pine needle scale | 108 | 47 |
| pine root collar weevil | 56 | |
| pine sawflies | 16-20 | 1-3 |
| pine spittlebug | 86 | 36 |
| pine tortoise scale | 96 | 41 |
| pine tube moth | 46 | 16 |
| pine webworm | 22 | 4 |
| pitch twig moth | 72 | |
| spruce budworm | 28 | 7 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 52, 53 |
| white pine aphid | 84 | |
| white pine weevil | 54 | 20 |
| Zimmerman pine moth | 48, 49 | |
Poplar | cottonwood leaf beetle | 226 | 105 |
| satin moth | 158 | 71 |
Privet | lilac leafminer | 196 | 90 |
| privet rust mite | 480 | 231 |
| twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
| white prunicola scale | 392 | 188 |
Rhododendron | azalea bark scale | 336 | 160 |
| azalea whitefly | 318 | 151 |
| black vine weevil | 240 | 112, 113 |
| European hornet | 494 | 238 |
| lace bugs | 404 | 204 |
| rhododendron borer | 258 | 121 |
| rhododendron gall midge | 470 | 227 |
| rhododendron stem borer | 288 | |
| twobanded Japanese weevil | 244 | 114 |
Rose | aphids | 300, 308 | 146 |
| Japanese beetle | 236 | 110 |
| leafhoppers | 412 | 198 |
| rose chafer | 236 | 110 |
| rose slug | 132 | 58 |
| twospotted spider mite | 476 | |
Sassafras | sassafras weevil | 210 | 97 |
Spruce | balsam twig aphid | 80 | 33 |
| black vine weevil | 240 | 112, 113 |
| Cooley spruce gall adelgid | 76, 112 | 49 |
| eastern spruce gall adelgid | 114 | 50 |
| pine needle scale | 108 | 47 |
| pine sawflies | 16-20 | 1-3 |
| spruce bud scale | 96 | 41 |
| spruce budworm | 28 | 7 |
| spruce needleminers | 32 | 9 |
| spruce spider mite | 118 | 52, 53 |
| white pine weevil | 54 | 20 |
| woolly larch adelgid | 78 | 32 |
Taxus | black vine weevil | 240 | 112, 113 |
| cottony taxus scale | 344 | 164 |
| Fletcher scale | 98 | 42 |
| taxus bud mite | 478 | 230 |
| taxus mealybug | 88 | 37 |
Tuliptree | tuliptree aphid | 292 | 138 |
| tuliptree scale | 362 | 173 |
Viburnum | snowball aphid | 300 | 142 |
| viburnum leaf beetle | 224 | 104 |
Walnut | walnut lacebug | 426 | 205 |
| walnut pouch gall mite | 486 | 234 |
| walnut caterpillar | 150 | 67 |
Willow | aphids | 310 | 147 |
| imported willow leaf beetle | 228 | 106 |
| oystershell scale | 370 | 177 |
| poplar-and-willow borer | 268 | 126 |
| willow flea weevil | 190 | 87 |
| willow twig aphid | 228 | 106 |