| IPM considerations: | Pest recorded on several shade and flowering fruit trees; i.e., sycamore, crabapple. Bark wounds provide entry sites for infestation. Two generations a year; pheromone traps can be used for monitoring and timing controls. First application timed for moths shortly after petal fall (tart cherry), second application if moths still active done by mid-July. |
| Management options: | Many natural enemies, ladybird beetles, syrphid fly larvae, internal parasites. Abamectin (trunk injection), acephate, acetamiprid (foliar spray or ##basal bark application *TriStar 8.5SL), bifenthrin, cyantraniliprole, cyclaniliprole + flonicamid, cyfluthrin, diazinon, dimethoate (arborvitae, birch, camellia, euonymus, honeysuckle, juniper, rose), flonicamid, flupyradifurone (foliar spray or container drench), fluvalinate, horticultural oil, imidacloprid (foliar spray or soil application), malathion, neem oil, pymetrozine, spirotetramat, thiamethoxam (Christmas trees only). |