447564.6 Activated Charcoal for Controlling Residues
If liners are to be planted in soil with herbicide residue, dip the moist roots in dry activated charcoal or in a slurry of 1 lb. activated charcoal in 1 gal. water to protect the roots. Also, as an emergency treatment, apply a slurry of activated charcoal to the soil surface soon after putting on too much herbicide. Apply 100 to 300 lb. of activated charcoal for each pound of active ingredient applied. For example, for each pound of granular or wettable powder applied, multiply the percent (%) expressed as a decimal times 100 to give the pounds charcoal needed. For a 50% WP: .50 x 100 = 50 lb. charcoal. For a 4 lb./gal concentrate apply 100 lb. for each quart used. This is the equivalent of 3 lb. charcoal per ounce of AI. An activated charcoal slurry also can be used to decontaminate a sprayer by sloshing it around in the tank and running it through open hoses.