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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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Common Name: prodiamine

Formulations: *65WG, 4FL

Uses: Selective preemergence residual control of many annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in landscapes, field-grown nursery stock, container-grown nursery stock, Christmas trees, and established turfgrass (excluding golf course putting greens), lawns, and sod nurseries.

Amount of active ingredient

Amount by formulation



Per Acre

0.65 to 1.5 lb.

1 to 2.3 lb.

21 to 48 oz.

Per 1,000 sq. ft.

0.37 to 0.83 oz.

0.5 to 1.1 oz.

Major Weeds Controlled: Annual grasses such as crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtails, barnyardgrass, and johnsongrass (from seed). Some annual broadleaf weeds such as carpetweed, chickweed, shepherdspurse, prostrate spurge, lambsquarters, and pigweed.

Major Weeds Not Controlled: Established weeds, perennial grasses, and large-seeded broadleaf weeds. Weak on galinsoga, common groundsel, ragweed, nightshades, and velvetleaf. High application rates are required for prostrate knotweed control.

For Best Results: Incorporated with ½ inch of rainfall or irrigation or with shallow cultivation as soon as possible after application. Incorporation should not be delayed more than 14 days after application. Irrigation or rainfall soon after application is necessary to activate herbicide and to wash residual off foliage. May be applied to shadehouses and uncovered polyhouses (must remain uncovered for 7 days).

Cautions and Precautions: On landscape ornamentals, no more than 1.5 lb. AI per acre may be applied. In newly planted nursery stock or landscapes, delay applications until the soil has settled around the base of the plants. This is especially important in transplant beds.

Residual Activity: Season-long annual grass control is provided in many situations. Control of many broadleaf weeds will be shorter.

Volatility and Leaching Potential: Photodecomposition and volatilization occur when the product remains on the surface for prolonged periods without incorporation. Strongly adsorbed by soil; not readily leached.

Symptoms and Mode of Action: Absorbed through roots and inhibits root and shoot growth through interference with cell division.

Manufacturer: Syngenta

EPA Reg. Nos.: *Barricade 65WG: 100-834

Barricade 4FL: 100-1139

*Restricted use pesticide.