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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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Basagran T&O

Common Name: bentazon

Formulation: 4L

Uses: Postemergence control of seedling broadleaf weeds, yellow nutsedge, and annual sedges in field-grown ornamental trees, shrubs, and ground covers, established turf, and noncrop sites.

Amount of active ingredient

Amount by formulation


Per Acre

0.75 to 1 lb.

1.5 to 2 pt.

Per 1,000 sq. ft.

0.55 to 0.75 fl. oz.

Major Weeds Controlled: Annual sedges, yellow nutsedge, groundsel, ragweed, purslane, smartweed, wild buckwheat, wild mustard, and Canada thistle. Control of spring-germinating horseweed has also been observed: Fall-germinating horseweed was not controlled.

Major Weeds Not Controlled: Grasses, perennial broadleaves, and mature weeds are not controlled. Lambsquarters, galinsoga, pigweed, shepherdspurse, spurge, and woodsorrel are not well controlled.

For Best Results: Apply as a directed spray to small and actively growing weeds under good soil moisture. For yellow nutsedge control two applications are recommended, the first when the weed is 6 to 8 inches tall and the second 7 to10 days later. For Canada thistle control, apply bentazon when the weed is 8 inches tall to bud stage and a second application 7 to 10 days later. The addition of 1 qt./A of crop oil concentrate is recommended for yellow nutsedge, Canada thistle, and several other species (see label for details). Do not cultivate or mow five days before or after application. Rainfall or irrigation within eight hours of application may reduce effectiveness.

Cautions and Precautions: Do not apply more than 1 lb. AI per acre per application or 2 lb. AI per acre (and no more than 1 lb. AI per acre in perennial ryegrass) per season. Addition of crop oil concentrates will increase activity however crop injury may be a problem when humidity and temperature are high. Do not apply with crop oil for over-the-top applications. Spraying near the base of rhododendron and sycamore may result in injury. Not recommended for golf course greens or collars. See label for additional restrictions and limitations.

Residual Activity: No soil residual activity should be expected.

Volatility and Leaching Potential: No loss from volatility or photodegradation. Not absorbed by soil but rapidly incorporated into organic matter and rapidly broken down by microbes, therefore leaching potential is low.

Symptoms and Mode of Action: Contact burning action. Translocation is minimal. Mechanism involves inhibition of photosynthesis, therefore symptoms may take up to several days to develop. Higher temperatures and addition of crop oil may accelerate and increase the incidence and severity of burn.

Manufacturer: BASF Corporation

EPA Reg. No.: 7969-326