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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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*BroadStar, *SureGuard

Common Name: flumioxazin

Formulations: 0.25G, 51WDG, 4 SC

Uses: *BroadStar provides selective preemergence and limited postemergence control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in established container and field grown ornamental trees, shrubs, and groundcovers in nurseries, Christmas tree plantations, landscape ornamentals, and bareground non-crop areas. *SureGuard provides selective pre and early postemergence control of certain grass and broadleaf weeds in container and field grown trees, around established woody ornamentals in landscapes, and to maintain bareground in non-crop areas.

Amount of active ingredient

Amount by formulation




Per Acre

0.25 to 0.375 lb.

150 lb.

8 to 12 oz.

8 to 12 fl. oz

Per 1,000 sq. ft.

3.4 lb.

0.18 to 0.28 oz.

0.18 to 0.27 fl. oz

Major Weeds Controlled: Preemergence control of many annual broadleaf and grass weeds including bittercress, spurge, and liverwort. Provides postemergence control of some newly emerged broadleaf weeds. See each product label for species controlled preemergence and postemergence.

Major Weeds Not Controlled: Mature established weeds.

For Best Results: For preemergence control, apply to clean, weed free soil before weeds germinate. For postemergence control, apply to actively growing weeds less than 2 in. in height. After *BroadStar application, irrigate immediately with 0.75 to 1 inch to wash granules off vegetation and activate herbicide. *SureGuard can be applied over-the-top to listed container and field grown conifers only before spring budbreak or to hardened off plants. For deciduous plants, application should be made as a directed spray; avoid direct spray onto plant surfaces. For maximum safety to deciduous trees, directed applications should be made during dormancy.

Cautions and Precautions: Do not apply more than 0.375 lb. AI per acre per application or more than 0.75 lb. AI per acre per year. *BroadStar should not be applied to recently transplanted liners with root ball less than 4 in. in diameter until they have been actively growing for at least six weeks after transplant. *BroadStar should not be applied to seedling trees and shrubs until one year after germination. May injure newly formed leaves; do not apply during flushes of new growth. Do not apply to wet foliage. Do not apply granular to plants with leaves that channel granules to base (e.g. hosta and daylily). Some cultivars of the following plants are susceptible to injury from granular applications: crape myrtle, deutzia, euonymus, holly, privet, nandina, spirea, azalea, butterfly bush, clethra, viburnum, plumbago, wax myrtle, and hydrangea. See labels for additional precautions and lists of tolerant species. To delay herbicide resistance, avoid use of herbicides with similar target site mode of action in consecutive years.

Residual Activity: If adequate soil moisture is maintained following granular application, 8 to 12 weeks of control is expected.

Volatility and Leaching Potential: Plant injury associated with volatilization from soil has not been observed. Tightly bound to soil.

Symptoms and Mode of Action: Affected plants exhibit small necrotic spots on leaves and temporary dieback of new growth. Not translocated within plant tissue. Inhibits protoporphyrinogen oxidase, an essential enzyme required by plants for chlorophyll biosynthesis. Seedling weeds are controlled when exposed to sunlight following contact with the soil-applied herbicide. Classified as a Group 14 Herbicide.

Manufacturers: Valent


EPA Reg. Nos.: *BroadStar 0.25G: 59639-128

*SureGuard 51WDG: 59639-120

*SureGuard 4SC: 71368-114

*SureGuard EZ: 59639-260

*Restricted use pesticide.