44770†Finale XL T&O
Common Name: glufosinate-ammonium
Formulation: 2.34SC
Uses: Nonselective postemergence control of annual and perennial weeds. Used for preplant cleanup before all types of planting and as a postdirected or spot spray for general weed control in landscapes and established woody crops, including Christmas trees. Also labeled for weed control in greenhouses and shadehouses, for use under benches and in walkways, not in growing media.
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 2.34SC |
Per Acre | 0.5 to 1.5 lb. | 27 to 82 fl oz |
Spot Treatment (spray solution) | | 0.5 to 1.6 fl. oz./gal. water |
Major Weeds Controlled: Nonselective herbicide. Nearly all plants are controlled or severely injured.
Major Weeds Not Controlled: Control may be reduced for weeds under stress caused by drought or cool temperatures. The underground portions of perennial weeds will not be controlled.
For Best Results: Apply to actively growing plants. Do not apply if rainfall or overhead irrigation will occur within four hours. Coverage should be uniform and complete on a spray-to-wet basis, before runoff.
Cautions and Precautions: Avoid contact with foliage or green tissue of crops or desirable plants and trees because severe injury or death may result. If desirable vegetation is contacted, rinse with water. When used in greenhouse or shadehouse, air-circulating fans must be turned off and a large-droplet, low-pressure-type nozzle must be used. Not for use in greenhouses or shadehouses containing edible crops.
Residual Activity: Glufosinate-ammonium is a water-soluble, foliar-active material with no soil-residual activity.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: Although leaching potential is high, rapid microbial breakdown appears to reduce leaching. Volatility is low.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Absorbed through foliage and green tissue with little translocation. Kills primarily through contact activity with some systemic effect. Visual effects and control occur within two to four days after application in good conditions.
Manufacturer: BASF
EPA Reg. No.:7969-464
† Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.