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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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Common Name: flumioxazin + prodiamine

Formulation: 0.125% + 0.75% G

Uses: Preemergence control of weeds in field and container ornamentals (including Christmas tree and conifer farms), grounds maintenance and other specified non-crop areas.

Amount of active ingredient

Amount by formulation


Per Acre

0.875 lb.

100 lb.

Per 1,000 sq. ft.

2.29 lb.

Major Weeds Controlled: Grass weeds including annual bluegrass, crabgrass, Goosegrass, foxtails and broadleaf weeds, including bittercress, groundsel, spotted spurge, pigweeds and chickweed. Liverwort and mosses are suppressed.

Major Weeds Not Controlled: Established weeds. Legumes like clover, from seed

For Best Results: Apply in early spring or fall prior to weed seed germination or following complete weed removal. Do not apply when new spring growth is still tender. Apply either before spring flush or after hardening off. Apply at least 0.5 inch irrigation or rainfall within 24 hours. Apply to dry foliage only and immediately wash the particles off plant foliage. If making a fall application in containers, allow at least 3 weeks before covering or enclosing the houses.

Cautions and Precautions: Do not apply to unrooted cuttings or to plants with bare roots. A maximum of two applications may be made in a growing season. Do not reapply at less than three-month intervals. See label for list of plants for which injury has been observed and use is not recommended.

Residual Activity: Creates a barrier in the soil and is active for 1-3 months.

Volatility and Leaching Potential: Photodecomposition and volatilization occur when the prodiamine remains on the surface for prolonged periods without incorporation. Prodiamine is strongly adsorbed by soil; not readily leached. Flumioxazin has a low leaching and low volatilization potential. It is degraded by soil microbes and is not persistent in the soil under normal field conditions.

Symptoms and Mode of Action: Flumioxazin is a PPO inhibitor (Group 14) and prodiamine is a dinitroaniline (Group 3). Together they inhibit cell division and disrupt cell wall formation in shoots and roots of emerging seedling weeds.

Manufacturer: OHP

EPA Reg. No.: 59807-20