44772Fusilade II, Ornamec
Common Name: fluazifop-P-butyl
Formulations: 2EC, 0.5EC
Uses: Selective postemergence control of annual and perennial grasses. May be applied as an over the top or directed spray in many ornamentals including many woody and herbaceous ornamentals in container and field nurseries and landscapes.
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 2EC | 0.5EC |
Per Acre | 0.25 to 0.4 lb. | 1 to 1.5 pt. | 4 to 6 pt. |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | | 0.4 to 0.6 fl oz. | 1.5 to 2.2 fl. oz. |
Spot Treatment (spray solution) | | 0.75 fl. oz./gal. water | 2.5 fl. oz./gal. water |
(add nonionic surfactant per label directions) |
Major Weeds Controlled: Annual and most perennial grasses.
Major Weeds Not Controlled: All broadleaf weeds, sedges, rushes, lilies, and other nongrasses. Bluegrass, red fescue, and sweet vernal grass have shown considerable tolerance.
For Best Results: Mix with nonionic surfactant. Some ready-to-use formulations are available; do not add additional surfactant to such formulations. Spray annual grasses at 2 to 8 inches tall before tillering. For perennial grass, spray during the spring growth flush. Cultivation two to three weeks before or after treatment may assist weed control. Thorough coverage is essential for optimal results; spray to cover but not to runoff.
Cautions and Precautions: Use only a nonionic surfactant on ornamentals. Do not apply if rainfall is expected within one hour. Do not tank mix with other pesticides or fertilizers except as instructed on the label. Do not apply to ornamentals that may be harvested for food within one year. Naturally occurring resistant biotypes of some species are known to exist. If resistance is suspected, additional treatments with this or other herbicides with similar mode of action are not recommended.
Residual Activity: There is little if any reliable soil residual activity.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: Low volatility and negligible leaching when used as directed.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Growth inhibition occurs within 48 hours. Meristems turn black shortly thereafter. Yellow to red foliage develops in about 7 to 10 days, leading to death within about 14 days. Inhibits cell division by blocking acetyl Co A carboxylase, an enzyme involved in lipid biosynthesis.
PBI/Gordon Corp.
EPA Reg. Nos.: Fusilade II 2EC: 100-1084Ornamec 170: 2217-751
Ornamec OTT 0.5EC: 2217-728