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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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Goal 2XL, GoalTender

Common Name: oxyfluorfen

Formulations: 2.0E, 4SC

Uses: Goal provides pre- and postemergence control of certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds in conifer seedbeds, transplants, and field and container grown nursery stock. A component of OH2, granular products used preemergent in container or field-grown nursery stock. Also used in combination with sethoxydim for tall fescue sod suppression in orchards and nurseries. GoalTender is a selective herbicide for pre- and postemergence residual weed control in conifer seedbeds, transplants, container stock, and selected field grown deciduous trees.

Amount of active ingredient

Amount by formulation



Per Acre

0.25 to 2 lb.

1 to 8 pt.

1 to 4 pt.

Per 1,000 sq. ft.

0.5 to 3 fl. oz.

0.4 to 1.5 fl. oz.

Major Weeds Controlled Preemergent: Annual grasses such as crabgrass, barnyardgrass, foxtail, and annual bluegrass, plus many broadleaves from seed including clover, groundsel, woodsorrel, bittercress, spurge, mallow, smartweed, and others. Under FIFRA 2(ee) Recommendation, Goal may be used for preemergent and postemergent control of mile-a-minute vine (Polygonum perfoliatum L.).

Major Weeds Controlled Postemergent: Young seedling annual grasses and seedling broadleaves, including groundsel, pigweed, smartweed, wild mustard, lambsquarters, and others. Temporary suppression of several perennial dicots has been reported.

Major Weeds Not Controlled: Established grasses, goldenrod, horseweed, dogfennel, oxeye daisy, and other perennials. Large dicot weeds will be burned but not controlled.

For Best Results: At least 1/4 inch rainfall or irrigation should occur within four weeks after application. For preemergence control, apply to a clean, weed-free, smoothly tilled soil surface. Do not disturb the soil after application. For postemergence control with Goal, add 0.25 percent nonionic surfactant; apply to seedling weeds less than 4 inches tall. Goal may be tank mixed with other herbicides according to label directions to improve grass control. See label for additional information on timing and application methods.

Cautions and Precautions: Goal burns most broadleaf plants, use as directed spray. Do not make postemergence applications to conifer seedbeds until a minimum of five weeks after emergence of conifer seedlings and until seedlings have hardened off. Make postemergence applications of Goal to container-grown conifers and conifer transplants before budbreak or after foliage has hardened off. Do not apply more than 8 pints of Goal or 4 pints of GoalTender per acre per year.

Residual Activity: Up to eight weeks of weed control may be obtained, depending on the application rate.

Volatility and Leaching Potential: Relatively high

water solubility. Moderate leaching potential, greatest in coarse-textured soils with frequent irrigation. Where leaching is a concern, postemergent applications at lower rates would be preferred.

Symptoms and Mode of Action: In preemergent applications, seedlings rarely emerge from the soil. Postemergently, it acts as a contact herbicide for which light is required. Foliar applications result in rapid (within days) necrosis of tissues contacted by the spray. Green, tender stems may be similarly burned. No direct effects on roots likely.

Manufacturer: Nufarm

EPA Reg. Nos.: Goal 2XL: 92894-2-71368

GoalTender: 92894-3-71368