44775*Kerb SCT&O, Kerb SC
Common Name: pronamide
Formulations: SC
Uses: Dormant-season applications in established field-grown woody ornamentals and Christmas trees for preemergence and early postemergence control of winter annual and perennial grasses and chickweed. Preemergence control of certain other broadleaf weeds and grasses. Kerb SC (general use) is registered for use on several food crops, but Christmas trees are the only ornamental crops labeled for this formulation.
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 3.3SC |
Per Acre | 1 to 2 lb. | 2.5 to 5 pts |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | | 0.9 to 1.8 fl. oz. |
Major Weeds Controlled: Postemergent: Ryegrass, barley, bluegrass, fescues, downy brome, wheat, chickweed, and suppression of quackgrass. Preemergent: all of the above species plus wild mustard, London rocket, shepherdspurse, and red sorrel (from seed).
Major Weeds Not Controlled: Summer annual broadleaf and late-germinating grass weeds, plus most perennial broadleaf weeds.
For Best Results: Apply in fall before soil freezes. Moisture from rain, irrigation, or melting snow is necessary after treatment. Soil temperatures must be below 55°F or rapid decomposition and volatilization loss will occur.
Cautions and Precautions: Do not incorporate. Should not be applied to seedlings or to transplants less than one year old. Inactive in high organic matter soils. Because *Kerb has produced tumors in laboratory animals this product is a restricted use pesticide. Do not plant crops not listed on label within 365 days after the last application regardless of rate.
Residual Activity: Residual activity is dependent on soil temperatures and application rate. At these recommended rates, preemergent control from a late fall or winter application will last into late spring or early summer.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: When used according to label directions (i.e., when temperatures are below 55°F), volatility is low; however, volatility increases as temperatures increase. Significant lateral surface movement can occur, particularly when applied on slopes. Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that on coarse-textured soils, leaching potential would be moderate to high. On fine-textured soils or soils high in organic matter, leaching potential would be low.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Absorbed through the roots, translocated upward. Inhibits mitosis (cell division in meristem tissue) and may have additional effects. The progress of herbicide action is slow, and no characteristic symptoms are usually apparent other than growth inhibition and senescence.
Manufacturer: Corteva Agriscience
EPA Reg. No.: 62719-578
* Restricted use pesticide.