44776*†Lontrel, *†Stinger
Common Name: clopyralid
Formulation: 3A
Uses: Selective postemergence control of some very difficult to control broadleaf weeds. *†Lontrel for use in non-residential turf, sod farms, and certain ornamental plantings, such as conifers, nonleguminous woody species, and ornamental grasses in landscapes and nurseries. *†Stinger for use in Christmas tree plantations and non-crop areas. *†Stinger HL for use only on non-crop areas.
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 3A |
Per Acre | 0.1 to 0.25 lb. | 0.25 to 0.66 pt. |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | | 0.1 to 0.24 fl. oz. |
NOTE: In New York State, the maximum allowable use rate is 2/3 pints (0.66 pints) per acre per growing season.
Major Weeds Controlled: Emerged broadleaf weeds.
Major Weeds Not Controlled: Grass weeds.
For Best Results: Apply, as an over-top broadcast or as a spot treatment, to actively growing weeds. Extreme conditions before, at, and following time of application may reduce weed control and increase crop injury. Control may decrease if foliage is wet.
Cautions and Precautions: Do not make broadcast applications to ornamental plantings in landscape settings; spot applications of *†Lontrel are permissible. Do not apply to legumes (pod-bearing plants such as locust, mimosa, redbud), shallow-rooted trees and shrubs, or Tilia species. Do not allow sprays or spray drift to contact susceptible desirable broadleaf plants. Do not allow drift to contact composites or solaneaceae (nightshade) species because severe plant injury or death may occur. Do not use in greenhouses. Do not apply to container-grown ornamentals. Do not compost grass clippings. Avoid movement of treated soil. Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for irrigation or domestic purposes.
Residual Activity: Slight soil residual activity should be expected.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: Loss from volatility is insignificant. Leaching potential is moderate. Users are advised not to apply clopyralid where soils have a rapid to very rapid permeability and the water table is shallow.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Symptoms include bending and twisting of stems and petioles, stem swelling and elongation, and leaf cupping and curling followed by chlorosis and necrosis. Mode of action is thought to involve cell wall plasticity and nucleic acid metabolism.
Manufacturer: Corteva Agriscience
EPA Reg. Nos.:*†Lontrel: 62719-305
*†Stinger: 62719-73
*†Stinger HL: 62719-747
*Restricted use pesticide.
†Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties