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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication
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*Marengo, *Specticle Flo, *Specticle G, *Marengo G

Common Name: indaziflam

Formulations: 0.622SC, 0.0224G

Uses: *†Marengo, but not *†Specticle, may be used in greenhouses (floors only). May be used in ornamental production facilities and areas areas covered by landscape fabric, hoophouses, lathhouses and shadehouses to provide bare ground and general weed control beneath benches and potted plants. Use of *†Marengo prohibited in greenhouses, hoophouses, lathhouses, and shadehouses if ornamental plants are present. The active ingredient indaziflam will provide selective preemergent herbicide control of annual grasses, annual sedges, and broadleaf weeds in landscape and production ornamentals, conifers, Christmas trees, and ornamental production sites with directed application. No indaziflam product is registered for use in herbaceous ornamental plant production or maintenece. Several herbaceous species are listed on the label as particularly susceptible to indaziflam injury.

Amount of active ingredient

Amount by formulation



Per Acre

0.035 to 0.070 lb.

6 to 12 fl. oz.

125 to 200 lbs

Per 1,000 sq. ft.

0.035 to 0.070 lb.

0.14 to 0.27 fl. oz.

2.9 to 4.6 lbs

Major Weeds Controlled: Annual grasses, such as crabgrass, goosegrass, and annual bluegrass, annual sedges, and broadleaf weeds. Limited early postemergent activity on some weeds.

Major Weeds Not Controlled: Plants emerging from tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, corms, existing rootstock, and woody vegetation.

For Best Results: Apply as directed spray prior to weed germination. Ornamentals should be established at least four months prior to application and can be dormant or actively growing. Rainfall or irrigation is required to activate. Do not create conditions that cause visible run-off of irrigation water. Avoid contact with desired plant tissue and avoid root damage by applying to soil that is firmly settled around root area. Activated charcoal, applied within two weeks of application of the herbicide may aid in recovery. To avoid spray drift, set application equipment to apply medium to large droplets.

Cautions and Precautions: For all products: Do not exceed the maximum single application rate specified on the label. If resistance to the herbicide is suspected, use an alternative herbicide with a different mode of action. See label for list of plants for which injury will occur. For *†Marengo and *†Specticle Flo: Do not exceed 18.5 fl. oz./A acre within a 12 month period. Do not use within 25 feet of ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and habitat containing aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. Do not apply through irrigation or chemigation system or by air. For*Marengo G and *†Specticle G: do not exceed 400 lbs/A (9.2 lbs/sq ft) in a 12 month period. Do not apply to drainage ditches.

Residual Activity: Provides up to eight months weed control with a single application.

Volatility and Leaching Potential: This chemical may leach into groundwater if used in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow. This product is not volatile.

Symptoms and Mode of Action: Reduces emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosythesis (CB inhibitor). Necrosis or chlorosis may be observed if applied to herbaceous tissue of susceptible plants including sensitive ornamentals.

Manufacturer: Bayer Environmental Science

EPA Reg. Nos.: *†Marengo and *†Specticle Flo: 432-1518

*†Marengo G and *†Specticle G: 432-1523

*Restricted use pesticide.

Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.