44779Pendulum, *Corral
Common Name: pendimethalin
Formulations: 3.3EC, 2G, 2.68G, 3.8ACS
Uses: Preemergence control of grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. Pendulum for use on established field and container grown ornamentals including commercial and residential landscapes, turf, and non-crop land areas. *Corral for use on container and field grown ornamentals, and turf.
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 3.3EC | 2G | 2.68G | 3.8ACS |
Per Acre | 2 to 4 lb. (*Corral 2 to 3 lb.) | 2.4 to 4.8 qt. | 100 to 200 lb. | 76 to 114 lb. | 2.1 to 4.2 qt. |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | | 1.8 to 3.6 fl oz | 2.3 to 4.6 lb. | 1.7 to 2.6 lb. | 1.6 to 3.2 fl oz. |
Major Weeds Controlled: Annual grasses including crabgrass, goosegrass, and foxtails, and some annual broadleaves including yellow woodsorrel, chickweed, pigweeds, lambsquarters, and velvetleaf.
Major Weeds Not Controlled: Mature, established weeds are not controlled.
For Best Results: Apply to weed-free soil. Irrigate to activate and remove granules from foliage.
Cautions and Precautions: See label of each product before use as allowable uses and precautions differ. See labels for turfgrass rates. Do not apply granules to wet foliage. Do not incorporate or apply directly to bare roots of woody ornamentals. Overapplication in cool, wet soils can increase injury. Persistent yellow color can stain equipment and landscape areas. See labels for additional information. This pesticide is toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water, areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below mean high water. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas.
Residual Activity: Three to five months of grass control can be expected at normal use rates.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: Slight loss from the soil surface can result from photodegradation and volatility. Irrigation soon after application will limit these losses. Strongly adsorbed to soil organic matter and clay and not leached.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Inhibits root development by affecting cell division. Typical injury symptoms include swollen, stubby roots. These symptoms are most commonly seen on affected grasses.
Manufacturers: BASF Corporation
EPA Reg. Nos.: Pendulum 3.3EC: 241-341
Pendulum 2G: 241-375
Pendulum Aquacap 3.8ACS: 241-416
*Corral 2.68G: 58185-179
*Restricted use pesticide.