44782*Ronstar G, *Ronstar Flo
Common Name: oxadiazon
Formulations: 2G, 3.17 Flowable
Uses: Preemergence control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in field- and container-grown woody ornamentals, landscapes, and turf. Not for use in turfgrass on residential properties. Also used in some loblolly, slash, and white pine seedbeds (applied after emergence of the crop).
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 2G | 3.17 Flo |
Per Acre | 2 to 4 lb. | 100 to 200 lb. | 80 to 122 fl.oz. |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | | 2.25 to 4.5 lb. | 1.85-2.8 fl. oz. |
Major Weeds Controlled: Goosegrass, crabgrass, other annual grasses, woodsorrel, bittercress, velvetleaf, and many other annual broadleaves.
Major Weeds Not Controlled: Weeds in the Carnation family (Caryophyllaceae) such as chickweed and pearlwort are not controlled. Only partial control of galinsoga and spurge should be expected. Emerged weeds are not controlled. Apply a maximum of 6 lb. AI per acre per year, except in areas where weed infestation is heavy where the maximum is 8 lb. AI per acre per year.
For Best Results: Apply before rainfall or irrigate for improved control. Do not disturb the soil surface by cultivation after treatment.
Cautions and Precautions: The choice of formulation is important for *Ronstar. For over the top applications, the 2G formulation is labeled for more tolerant ornamentals than the flowable formulation. Do not incorporate. Do not apply granular to wet foliage or under conditions in which granules will collect on leaves. Do not use on plants that will bear edible fruit within one year. Some varieties of the following plants have been found to be sensitive under some growing conditions: andromeda, azalea, cotoneaster, heath, hemlock, hibiscus, rhododendron, lagerstroemia, spruce, and viburnum. Do not apply flowable formulation at budbreak or for four weeks after budbreak.
Residual Activity: Effectiveness may be expected to last three to four months. However, residual effects on grass cover crops have been observed five months after treatment.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: Volatility is low to moderate. Very low water solubility and adsorption to organic matter prevent leaching.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Contact action by affecting the young shoot as it grows through the treated zone. Symptoms of injury generally consist of areas of necrotic tissues where the granules have adhered to the foliage.
Manufacturer: Bayer Environmental Science
EPA Reg. Nos.: *Ronstar G: 432-886
*Ronstar Flo: 432-1465
*Restricted use pesticide.