44783Roundup Pro, Roundup ProMax, others
Common Name: glyphosate
Formulations: 4EC, 5.5EC, others
Uses: Nonselective postemergence control of most herbaceous and many woody plants. Used for preplant cleanup before all types of planting and as a postdirected or spot spray for general weed control in established woody crops including plant nurseries, landscapes, and Christmas trees. Also labeled for weed control in greenhouses, for use under benches and in walkways, not in growing media.
| Amount of active ingredient | Amount by formulation |
| | 4EC | 5.5EC |
Per Acre | 1 to 5 lb. | 1 to 5 qt. | 22 fl. oz. to 3.3 qt. |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | | 0.7 to 3.7 fl. oz. | 0.5 to 2.4 fl. oz. |
Spot Treatment (spray solution) | | 1.3 oz./gal. water | 0.5 to 9 oz./gal. water |
Major Weeds Controlled: Nonselective herbicide. Nearly all plants are controlled or severely injured. Some perennial weeds are controlled only at certain times of the year.
Major Weeds Not Controlled: Weeds under poor growing conditions such as water stress, disease, and insect damage may show erratic or reduced control. Many perennial weeds, particularly woody species, are not well controlled when treated at nonoptimal times. Asiatic Dayflower (Commelina communis) and Field horsetail (Equisetum arvensis) are not well controlled.
For Best Results: Apply to actively growing plants. Do not apply if rainfall or overhead irrigation will occur within six hours. Treat before mowing or after regrowth to specified size as described on the label. Coverage should be uniform and complete but not wet to point of runoff. Season of application is very important for controlling many species.
Cautions and Precautions: Avoid contact with foliage, green stems, or fruit of crops, and desirable plants because severe injury or death may result. Injury to plants receiving small amounts of drift may be expressed one to two years after occurrence. Keep people and pets off treated areas until dry to prevent transfer to desirable foliage. Limited amounts of drift to leaves will damage many plants. To minimize the occurrence of glyphosate resistant biotypes, utilize cultural or mechanical practices or other herbicides as part of a weed management system. Roundup ProMax contains 8.8% surfactant.
Residual Activity: Glyphosate is rapidly bound by clay particles, resulting in no soil residual activity. However, in soilless media or pure sands, crop injury from root uptake has been observed.
Volatility and Leaching Potential: Nonvolatile. Although glyphosate is very water soluble, it binds rapidly and tightly to soil colloids, consequently, leaching does not occur.
Symptoms and Mode of Action: Absorbed through foliage and green stems and translocated throughout the plant. Growth inhibition occurs within days, but symptoms of injury may take 7 to 10 days to develop. Symptoms include general chlorosis in 7 to 10 days followed by senescence. Woody plants that are not killed may show injury symptoms on the new growth for two or more years. The symptoms may include chlorotic, strap-shaped leaves, shortened internodes, and witches'-brooming. Specific mechanism of action involves the inhibition of aromatic amino acid synthesis, a process unique to the plant kingdom.
Manufacturers: Bayer CropScience
EPA Reg. Nos.:Roundup Pro: 524-475
Roundup ProMax: 524-579