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Crop and Pest Management Guidelines

A Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication

4.10. Registered Herbicides


Table 4.10.1 Herbicides registered for use on ornamentals in New York


 Ornamental Species: Several = 6 species or more registered; Few = 1-4 species registered; None = 0 species registered


 f/c = field and container

 c = container use only

 f = field


 * Restricted use pesticide *F Indicates a federally restricted use pesticide † = Not for use in Nassau or Suffolk Counties

Ornamental species registered

 Application Type

 Long Island Use?

 Trade Name

 Shade Trees

 Narrow Leaf (Needle) Ever-greens

 Broad-leaf Ever-greens

 Decid-uous Shrubs

 Ground-covers (Woody &Semi -Woody)

 Peren-nials (Herba-ceous)

 Orna-mental Grasses


 Annuals (Bedding Plants)

 post (over top)


 Acclaim Extra

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)


 Several (f/c)

 post (over top)




 Several (f)











 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 post (over top)



 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Several (f/c)


 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)



 Few (f/c)




 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)






 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)







 Casoron (G)& (Cs)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Few (f)








 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)





 Devrinol (FL)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)


 Few (f)

 Several (f/c)




 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 post directed


 Diquat SPC 2L


 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)






 post (over top)


 *Envoy Plus

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)



 Several (f/c)

 post directed



 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)









 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)





 post (over top)


 Fusilade II

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)



 Several (f/c)

 pre & post


 Goal 2XL


 Several (f/c)








 post directed


 *FGramoxone SL 3.0

 Several (f)

 Several (f)











 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)






 post (over top)




 Several (f)

 Few (f)




 Several (f)

 Few (f)




 *†Marengo, *†Specticle

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)









 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)








 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)



 *†Pennant Magnum

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Few (f)

 Several (f)



 *Ronstar (G)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Few (f/c)



 post directed


 Roundup Pro

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)






 post directed



 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 post directed



 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)







 *Simazine (several)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Several (f)

 Few (f)









 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)











 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Few (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)




 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)



 XL 2G (Surflan XL)


 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)


 Several (f/c)

 Several (f/c)


Table 4.10.2. Herbicides registered for landscape use in New York State





 Spray or



 Pre or Post

 Plant Types that may be found on the Label
***Check Label for Species***




 Post-Plant Interval

 Residential landscape restrictions3





 Trees & Shrubs

 Orn. Grasses

 Acclaim Extra





 ann grasses




 *Barricade 4L




 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Newly planted (after soil settles)


 *Barricade 65WG




 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Newly planted (after soil settles)






 can injure turf





 ann & per grass & bl weeds








 bl weeds & sedges

 D or OT

 Label does not specify


 Biobarrier 1





 Under surface












 ann grass &

 bl weeds








 warm season


 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Label does not specify


 *Dimension 2EW




 ann grass &

 bl weeds

 D or OT



 Diquat SPC 2l

 diquat dibromide








 ann grass &

 bl weeds




(various trade names)


 (plus fert)








 ann grass &

 bl weeds




 *Envoy Plus






 ann & per weeds

 D or OT

 Newly planted (after soil settles)



 flumioxazin + prodiamine








 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 1 week after planting











 ann & per weeds




 Fusilade II






 ann & per weeds

 D or OT










 bl weeds




 Pendulum 2G




 ann grass &

 bl weeds




 Pendulum Aquacap




 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Newly planted (after soil settles)


 *†Pennant Magnum




 ann grass, ann bl weeds,

 y. nutsedge


 Newly planted (after soil settles)


 Quicksilver T&0 2









 ann bl weeds




 *Ronstar 2G







 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Established or newly planted


 *Ronstar 50WSP







 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Established or newly planted


 Roundup Original









 grass & bl weeds





 pelargonic acid








 grass & bl weeds


 Label does not specify











 nutsedge, kyllinga, horsetail













 ann & per weeds


 Newly planted (after soil settles)




 Flo, G


 warm season


 ann grass &

 bl weeds













 ann grass &

 bl weeds




 Surflan 4AS, Flex




 warm season





 ann grass &

 bl weeds









 ann grass &

 bl weeds




 XL 2G (Surflan XL)


 benefin + oryzalin



 warm season

 ann grass &

 bl weeds


 Newly planted (after soil settles)


 1 Biobarrier: EPA Reg. No. 59823-1 Fiberweb, Inc.

 2 Quicksilver 1.9EC: EPA Reg. No. 279-3265, FMC Corporation

 3 Product has residential landscape use restrictions. See label.


 Application key: OT: Over top, D: Directed


 *Restricted use pesticide.

 †Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.


Table 4.10.3. Selected Approved Uses in NYS Under FIFRA Section 2(ee) Recommendations

 Always review and follow label directions, restrictions, and precautions. The FIFRA 2(ee) label must be in the possession of the user at the time of application. Permits and possession of other publications may be required as well; see 2(ee) label for all requirements. See Section 1.10 for more information.

Trade Name

EPA Reg. No.




 Acclaim Extra Herbicide


 Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)

 All labeled sites

 Less than label rates

 Accord XRT II


 Burning Bush, Barberry

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II



 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Black Jetbead

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Cup Plant

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 False and Japanese Spirea

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Glossy Buckthorn

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Hardy Kiwi

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Kiwifruit & Silver vine

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Lesser Celendine

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Scotch Broom

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II



 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Yellow Archangel

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Amur Cork Tree

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Japanese Knotweed

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Slender False Brome

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Oriental Photinia

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Black & Pale Swallow-Wort

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Common Buckthorn and Tree of Heaven

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Garlic Mustard

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Giant Hogweed

 All labeled sites

 Apply 1.5 to 7.5 pints per acre as a foliar spray.

 Accord XRT II


 Glossy Buckthorn

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Hayscented Fern, New York Fern, Bracken Fern

 Forestry sites

 Apply 3.7 to 7.5% solution in low volume, directed spray.

 Accord XRT II


 Knapweeds & Bull thistle

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Japanese Angelica Tree

 All labeled sites


 Accord XRT II


 Mile-a-Minute Vine

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Oriental Bittersweet

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II



 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Castor Aralia

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II



 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II


 Terrestrial grasses

 Non-crop areas


 Accord XRT II



 Non-crop areas




 Chinese Silvergrass (Miscanthus sinensis)

 Aquatic and non-crop sites

 Do not exceed 7.5 qt. per acre per year.

 Alligare Imazapyr


 Terrestrial grasses

 Non-crop areas

 No aquatic uses in NY



 Burning Bush, Yellow Iris

 All labeled sites




 Porcelain Berry

 All labeled sites




 Scotch Broom

 All labeled sites




 Japanese & Giant Knotweed

 All labeled sites


 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Buckthorn, Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose

 Agric. & non-crop

 Cut stump treatment: buckthorn

 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Callery Pear, Yellow flag Iris

 All labeled sites


 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Bittersweet Nightshade



 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Crown Vetch



 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Dame's Rocket



 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 English Ivy



 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Princess Tree



 *Garlon 3A

 62719-37 (SLN NY-110005)

 Oriental Bittersweet

 Agric. & non-crop


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Amur Cork Tree

 All labeled sites

 Foliar, basal bark or cut stump

 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Chocolate Vine

 All labeled sites


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Oriental Photinia

 All labeled sites

 Foliar or basal bark

 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Bush Honeysuckle

 All labeled sites

 Foliar, basal bark or cut stump

 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Black Swallow-wort, Pale Swallow-wort

 Non-crop areas

 Apply 1 to 8 qt. per acre.

 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Giant Hogweed

 All labeled sites

 Apply 1 to 2 qt. per acre as a foliar spray.

 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna)

 All labeled sites

 Apply 1 to 5% solution in early spring.

 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Japanese Angelica tree

 All labeled sites


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Oriental Bittersweet

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Autumn Olive & Privet

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Black Jetbead

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 False & Japanese Spirea

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Hardy Kiwi

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Sapphire Berry

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Castor Aralia

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Burning Bush, Barberry, Porcelainberry

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra



 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Wild Parsnip

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra


 Wisteria, Yellow Archangel

 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra



 Non-crop areas


 *Garlon 4 Ultra



 Non-crop areas


 Goal 2XL


 Mile-A-Minute Vine

 See product label

 Apply 2 to 8 pints per acre.



 Hedge Bindweed

 Agricultural (grapes)




 Hedge Bindweed

 Agricultural (grapes)


 Mad Dog


 Hogweed, Knotweed, Swallow-wort

 All labeled sites




 Hedge Bindweed

 Agricultural (grapes)





 Non-crop, natural areas, rangelands

 Selective broadleaf herbicide

 *Oust XP


 Mile-a-Minute vine



 *Oust XP





 *Oust XP


 Japanese Stiltgrass



 Pathfinder II


 Oriental Photinia

 All labeled sites

 Basal bark

 Pathfinder II


 Burning bush, Japanese barberry and Porcelain berry

 All labeled sites

 Apply 100% solution as a basal bark or fresh cut stump treatment.

 Pathfinder II


 common & glossy buckthorn, honeysuckle, Japanese angelica tree, and oriental bittersweet

 All labeled sites

 Apply 100% solution as a basal bark or fresh cut stump treatment.

 Pathfinder II


 Castor Aralia

 Non-crop areas


 Pathfinder II


 Black Jetbead

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 False & Japanese Spirea

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Amur Cork tree

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Hardy Kiwi

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Kiwifruit & Silver Vine

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Saphire Berry

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Scotch Broom

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Unlabeled Woody Plants

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Japanese Tree Lilac

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II


 Five-leaf Aralia

 Industrial, non-crop


 Pathfinder II



 Industrial, non-crop




 Slender False Brome

 All labeled sites




 Japanese Stiltgrass

 All labeled sites


 Ranger Pro







 Burning Bush, Barberry, Porcelen Berry, Yellow Iris

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Black Jetbead

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Cup Plant

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Hardy Kiwi

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Kiwifruit & Silver Vine

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Lesser Celendine

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Scotch Broom

 Non-crop, aquatic





 Non-crop, aquatic




 Yellow Archangel

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Hayscented, New York, and Bracken Ferns

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Sapphire Berry

 Non-crop, aquatic





 Non-crop, aquatic




 Brown Knapweed, Meadow Knapweed, Spotted Knapweed, Bull Thistle

 Forest, non-crop, wildlife habitat areas, grazed areas, near aquatic sites

 Apply 1 1/2% solution with hand-held equipment.



 Slender False Brome

 All labeled sites

 Surface water application restricted



 Oriental Photinia

 All labeled sites

 Surface water application restricted



 Common Buckthorn, Tree of Heaven

 Forest, non-crop, wildlife habitat areas, grazed areas, in and around aquatic sites

 Apply 5 to 10% solution when plants are actively growing, and leaves are fully expanded. Apply 50 to 100% solution to freshly cut stump surface immediately after cutting.



 Garlic Mustard

 Forest, non-crop, wildlife habitat areas, grazed areas, near aquatic sites

 Apply 2% solution.



 Giant Hogweed

 See product label

 Apply 1.5 to 3 pints per acre.



 Glossy Buckthorn

 Non-crop & other areas




 Japanese Angelica tree, Wineberry

 All labeled sites




 Mile-A-Minute Vine

 See product label

 Apply 1.5 to 3 pints per acre.



 Oriental Bittersweet

 Non-crop & other areas





 Non-crop & other areas




 Striped Maple and Hophornbeam

 Within labeled sites




 Castor Aralia

 Non-crop, aquatic




 Mugwort, Goutweed

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Slender False Brome

 All labeled sites

 Surface water application restricted

 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Flowering Rush

 All labeled sites

 Surface water application restricted

 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Oriental Photinia

 All labeled sites

 Surface water application restricted

 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 False spiraea and Japanese spiraea

 All labeled sites

 Apply as foliar or fresh cut stump treatment.

 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)

 All labeled sites

 Apply 0.25 to 2% solution as a spray-to-wet application.

 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Japanese Angelica tree

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Castor Aralia

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Tree of Heaven

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Amur Cork Tree

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Black Jetbead

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Burning Bush, J. Barberry, Porcelain Berry, Yellow Iris

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Cup Plant

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Hardy Kiwi

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Japanese Tree Lilac

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Kiwifruit & Silver Vine

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Lesser Celandine

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Sapphire Berry

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Sticky Sage

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use



 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use



 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Wisteria, Five-leaf Aralia

 All labeled sites


 *Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use


 Yellow Archangel

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Powermax



 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Burning Bush, Japanese Barberry, Porcelain Berry, Yellow Iris

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Amur Cork tree

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Slender False Brome

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Oriental Photinia

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Black Swallow-wort, Pale Swallow-wort

 Habitat restoration and management

 Follow 2(ee) directions.

 Roundup Pro


 Garlic Mustard

 Habitat management and natural areas including rangeland and wildlife refuges

 Apply at 1 to 3% solution.

 Roundup Pro


 Japanese Angelica Tree

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna)

 All labeled sites

 Apply at 0.75 to 3% solution as a spray-to-wet foliar application in early spring.

 Roundup Pro


 Castor Aralia

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Tree of Heaven

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Cup Plant

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Hardy Kiwi

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Japenese Stiltgrass

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Kiwifruit & Silver Vine

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Saphire Berry

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Scotch Broom

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Sticky Sage

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro



 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Yellow Archangel

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro


 Black Jetbead

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro Concentrate


 Giant Hogweed

 All labeled sites

 Apply 1.6 to 4 qt. per acre as a foliar spray.

 Roundup Pro Concentrate


 Ferns, Striped Maple, Hophornbeam

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro Concentrate


 Five-leaf Aralia

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Pro Concentrate


 Japanese Tree Lilac

 All labeled sites


 Roundup Promax


 Katsura trees

 Non-crop and others


 Roundup Promax


 Giant Hogweed

 All labeled sites

 Apply 1.5 to 3.3 qt. per acre as a foliar spray.

 Roundup Promax


 Black Swallow-wort, Pale Swallow-wort

 Forests and non-crop sites

 Apply a 2% solution with hand-held equipment.



 Japanese & Giant Knotweed

 Industrial, non-crop





 Rangeland, pasture, Conservation Reserve Program areas, non-crop areas

 0.25lb./A a.i. max/year



 Brown Knapweed, Meadow Knapweed

 Rangeland, pasture, Conservation Reserve Program areas, non-crop use areas

 Do not apply more than 2/3 pint per acre per year.


 62719-687 (SLN NY-160004)

 Japanese Tree Lilac, Five-leaf Aralia, Wineberry

 All labeled sites

 Must be used only in conjunction with SLN NY-160004


 62719-687 (SLN NY-160004)

 Wild Parsnip and several unlabeled woody weeds

 All labeled sites

 Must be used only in conjunction with SLN NY-160004

 * = Restricted use pesticide.

 † = Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.